Help Wanted: High Variance Ideas To Win an Unwinnable Congressional Election

So I talked to Democrat Joe Salerno today who is running against Jeff Van Drew of New Jersey’s 2nd District. You might remember Van Drew as he switched parties in 2019 with Trumps tweeting support and is your bog standard awful Congressional Republican. He is also going to win re-election pretty handily, Salerno’s published internals have him down 50-42.

Joe is pleasant, his platform is fine, but neither he nor his platform inspire- he doesn’t come off as charismatic or as having a fire in the belly. I think I’m going to do some basic get out the vote stuff for him(texting and perhaps calling, I’m not half bad at cold calling but nobody picks up the damn phone as Salerno rightly pointed out ).

Soooo… since he really doesn’t have a chance in hell AND he gave me his card with his cell number, I’m here for whacky high-variance ideas from you guys to get him name recognition and a sliver of a chance to get another D in Congress and get rid of the horrific Jeff Van Drew.

I’ll go first: he has a little money as I think he was partly self financed in the primary. So at every political event skydive in on back of a pro, with the US flag as a parachute, This Land Is Your Land blaring from speakers on the ground, and a slogan of Joe for Joy emblazoned everywhere. Maybe go fire and brimstone with a stump speech that magnifies the nastiness and deceit that is Van Drew and his cohorts in Congress. Then present yourself as the white light: virtue, compassion and truthfulness so much needed today in America. Something like that lol.

Everyone here has a passion for politics, help me make a difference in Congress by making a surely unwinnable race into a fighting chance! I actually kind of like my silly skydiving idea. Need Skydiver’s input to be sure though lol! Please post any fantasy you may have had on getting a no name elected to Congress, there is nothing to lose and a Democratic Congress to gain. Thanks!

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Connect with voters, communicate a clear message, and stay authentic.

I think getting positive media coverage would be an ideal path. As to how you do that in 2024 and remain authentic I am not sure.

“Van Drew is supposed to be strong for veterans, but why didn’t he condemn Trump’s stunt at Arlington? Speaking of Arlington why did he vote to reinstall the Confederate monuments there? What else is he weak on?”


Yes, but Joe Salerno has little name recognition and Van Drew seems pretty liked in his district. Doesn’t have the money or national party support to gain that recognition in 9 weeks or so, so he has to first get himself known, then do the convincing. Hence why I made this thread, on the super long shot chance someone has an idea to get this man known quickly, where your average Joe might take a look for a moment instead of mindlessly pressing the R button.

Thank you, I like where you are going here. Salerno has to say something that lights a spark, middle class tax cuts blah blah blah isn’t that, particularly against a fairly well liked incumbent Republican

Offer the voters something they need

Thank you, I appreciate this suggestion. The people desperately need to be unrelentingly exposed to truth. Many people really do not appreciate the depth and breadth of the deception and unrelenting propaganda that is a centerpiece of Republicanism. A deception willfully engaged in by the likes of Jeff Van Drew.

I have an acquaintance/friend who flies at his house a Trump flag at half staff as well as a Let’s Go Brandon sign. He believes in his heart of hearts that Democrats stole the 2020 election, that it is their modus operandi. Interestingly he rarely talks politics, surprising as it may seem.

One night the issue of the 2020 election came up spontaneously, and he told of the election night 2 AM ballot dumps and how Trump could have gone from winning to losing in such a way. I explained how it was the law in Pennsylvania passed by the Republican legislature to not count mailed in ballots until the polls closed, hence the strange vote count in the middle of the night. Not equipped to argue the point, he merely retorted “ Okay but what about the other states”. Being so thoroughly engulfed in his delusion, rather than hear what he had just learned and surmise similar stories in other states, or that he was actively deceived-he held fast to the delusion of Democratic election stealing.

This is the truth that needs to be proclaimed everywhere, boldly and loudly and without cessation. This is fundamentally what the people really need first, an unrelenting unmasking of the Trumps,Stefanik’s and Van Drew’s treachery in pursuit of power. Maybe just have Joe Salerno go down swinging hard at the R’s perversion of truth, and the resulting present discord created in this country. How best to do that as a candidate?

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Tie opponent to Trump as closely as possible, loudly break with Democratic orthodoxy on an single issue that’s high-salience in the district, and hope Harris has big enough coat tails to carry you through.

I like it, thanks for taking the time to post. My impression is that Van Drew has found that salience, and cemented his popularity, by steadfastly opposing offshore windmills. It definitely resonates with the part of his district that is on the shore, which is substantial. Dead whales showing up on South Jersey shores was big news and an emotional topic, blaming windmill construction for the supposed spate of whale carcasses played well for Van Drew. That and windmills defiling the coast by their very presence.

Your idea seems a good one, for Democrat Joe Salerno needs his own figurative dead whales to have a fighting chance in this district. I’d love to have the ability to make the fraudulent reality Republicans perpetuate be that issue, but barring that I shall take the time and thought to find an issue that makes an emotional connection. Thanks again.

Going all-in on one issue sounds like a good idea. It can be hyper-local like “Salerno will fix the pot-holes”, windmills, or whatever people in his district care about a lot. If there’s none, pick a national issue like abortion.

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Yes, I was picking my wife’s brain as she pays decent attention to the local stuff, and apparently since the local electric utility(Atlantic City Electric )changed to digital meters people are up in arms about their soaring electric bills. How to translate that anger into a Salerno talking point is the problem of course, as well as Van Drew saying “Yeah me too, let’s fix this problem” blunting much of the desired vibe for Salerno.

Property taxes are also a common Facebook bitch around here. Maybe there is an opening here? Anyone reading this feel free to opine on a Democrat inspired solution to high property taxes that would be interesting to homeowners but not something a Van Drew would likely advocate. Could also relate this subject to its effect on rent affordability, definitely an emotional topic for many.

Definitely going to check out the property tax dynamic and potential solutions now that I think about it. I’m pretty damn ignorant on this issue, so any thoughts from posters here would be welcomed!

I don’t know the current status of this issue, but you might want to find out what is going on with the SALT (State and Local Tax) deduction issue. IIRC, there was a big split within the Democratic party b/c more conservative Dems from purple areas in high tax states liked being able to deduct local taxes off of their federal returns while other Dems want less deductability so that the feds can get more $ in tax collection. I’d imagine Drew is in favor of deductability (and that is probably the popular position in your district) but it’s worth checking to see how that issue plays locally.

Also, in his public statements Van Drew attributed his party switch to the first impeachment… I don’t know the district, but if Van Drew is more popular than Trump in the area, I’d focus a ton on how he had a chance to stop all of Trump’s nonsense, but instead he actively supported it and gave him a chance to keep acting up. [If your district is Trumpy, this line of attack probably won’t fly, unfortunately].

Appreciate your thoughts, thank you. Salerno is in favor of having the SALT deduction again, it’s one of about a half dozen or so specific policy positions on his website. I’ll check out Van Drew shortly.

I believe this district went close to 52-47 Trump in ‘20, though there has been realignment and I’m guessing it is a little Trumpier. Van Drew won his race 59-40 in ‘22. Interesting line of thought you have regarding his impeachment stance, probably not viable in this district but something I’d like in my back pocket nevertheless- maybe could help drive a small subsection of D’s not inspired to vote because Salerno has no shot anyway. If nothing else I’ll be doing my damndest to get out the vote, appreciate the potential talking point.

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Ok sorry I wasn’t clear. Offer them material changes they need.

Skydiving is expensive!

You know what’s not, and is very effective? Hyper-targeted digital ads. Facebook is one option, but Youtube and Hulu are actually really effective too.

I’m not talking about fundraising spam. I mean actual ad spots. In that district, you HAVE to do persuasion. Dems love to talk about turnout, but the only way to win in swing and R+ district is to actually persuade/talk to voters. Emphasize split ticket voting (You can vote for Trump AND vote for Salerno!).

It’s a bit late now, but for next cycle, start having house meetings ASAP. I don’t mean meet and greets or fundraisers, I mean Farm Worker Movement-style house meetings. The host invites their friends and neighbors, regardless of party, and a campaign staffer (or supervol who KNOWS every position and how to sell it) or the candidate (the goal is to have so many of these the candidate can’t attend them all) is there to answer questions. You stick to an agenda, you don’t ask for money, you ask for one or two people to then go host their own house meeting.

Go to every community event you can think of/find. If there’s a large immigrant population of a specific origin/nationality/ethnicity, find a volunteer who is a member of that demographic and have them go to those community meetings/parties/events and network. You need an insider for these types of things because a white boy walking into a Persian club, for example, is not going to convince anyone.

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Oh cool, I’m so glad you saw the thread and took the time to post!

Yes, from the 5-10 minute conversation I had with Salerno(a newcomer to running for office) he said that he was in fact going to use all available public data and concentrate on persuading folks deemed persuadable.

Given that, could he not use the available voting records and demographic data to do these hyper-targeted digital ads? I by chance have a relationship with a company that does precisely what you are describing. No clue if Salerno plans to do these digital ads though- I walked up and introduced myself as willing to cold call for him. He is more intent on cold texting as being the way to go, didn’t mention hyper-targeted ads nor did I think to mention them. I will find out though, thanks so much for bringing it up and noting their effectiveness! If he’s not doing it but is gathering and properly analyzing the data, your suggestion I think is a potential game changer.

Definitely dig the house gatherings and your instructions as how to optimize these meetings. This suggestion (well actually the whole post) is going directly into my note taking app, good stuff.

Funnily enough at the little event where I met Salerno, the NAACP was there and invited me to a meeting which will be a first for me. This white boy will be sure to keep his mouth shut and ear to the ground no doubt lol. I do want to hear what precisely they are doing this election, and will work the phones for them if it seems like it could be a productive get out the vote exercise.

Wow, really awesome you took the time to post! Im a neophyte at getting involved other than voting, a real treat and such good fortune to have your input, thanks again.

Ah I see, no worries I got some mileage out of your post I misinterpreted lol. As to material changes they need, I would think emphasizing current middle and lower class deficiencies in health care would certainly qualify. And no doubt healthcare is an emotional topic, hitting the right notes and stressing both the health and yes, likely financial benefits of Medicare for All could have a big impact. People on Medicare love it, why not let everyone share in the joy and security it provides? As I type it occurs to me it’s pretty darn unlikely Van Drew would be for Medicare for all, presenting a nice contrast with Salerno on an emotional topic. Salerno needs a catalyst and this has potential when presented correctly I think. If the “that’s socialism” slur is adeptly handled, it’s a winner for our side.

The digital targeting is based on the platform, but I am fairly certain you can get pretty granular (side note, it’s also eye-opening as to how much data they collect on you).

Digital isn’t really my area, tbh.

For persuasion, I don’t even offer texting as an option. it’s the worst option for having deep conversations, and it costs money. Phone banking and door knocking are “free” and allow you to actually have the space to persuade the voters.

Texting is best used for member comms (texting name recognition to Democrats), event building, and GOTV (this is what you do AFTER you’ve identified who is voting for you). If you are gonna do it for persuasion, then you need to have volunteers who are self-starters, inquisitive, and well-trained, because it is by far the most difficult form of voter outreach to do and be effective.

I can put as many canned responses into the texting app as I want for every policy under the sun, but invariably a voter will ask a question I never even thought of. If you put your newest, most timid vols on texting, your organizers will be spending hours answering “how do I respond to this guy?” questions. Either the candidate themselves should handle replies, or people who can think on their feet and know how to pivot.

Get people knocking doors. It is the best way to persuade, hands down. I know it’s “scary.” Experienced canvassers should go alone, but if it’s a bunch of newbies, try to pair them with someone who has done it before. Have extensive training with role-play.

I’ve never met a canvasser who didn’t like it after they got over the initial fear.

Thanks Skydiver for the input, very helpful. It’s likely that I’ll do some canvassing myself, good to hear it’s a universally enjoyable experience, and I will say as much if I get the opportunity to encourage others to knock on doors as well.

This coming week my agenda will be first to attempt to briefly get the campaign’s ear, be it Salerno or otherwise. I love the idea of targeted ads and want to find out if he is doing it.

Fact is I just started white labeling for a company that specializes in digital marketing, as well as procuring extensive personal data from formerly anonymous visitors to a website. As such it is possible I can get Salerno’s attention for a bit. Would it be okay if I mentioned I had some communication/advice with a Biden delegate from California who is experienced and knowledgeable in campaigning? I know you volunteered for Pete, however don’t know precisely the work or who the Congressional candidate you have had experience with recently.

Testimonials are persuasive, saying I had a nice little back and forth with a seasoned campaigner makes getting him to see the efficacy of hyper targeting that much easier. And eventually your other organizing thoughts as well. If it’s okay with you, let me know some details of your work and with what congressional candidate. This is all excellent and exciting, my apologies if asking for the aforementioned information is at all untoward. Thanks for your replies this evening.