help I'm stuck on grey theme

preferences → theme dropdown box no longer does anything/clicking on an option doesn’t go through, after I selected grey. Ahhhhhhh.


yeah that works fine, the dropdown didn’t for me. Thanks.

I have a question regarding mobile browsing. Before even on my mobile browser when I would click the name of the person who someone was replying to (in the 1st pic done on my computer I click on your user name in grue’s reply post) it would show the post being replied to right above it like below. If I clicked on the “1 reply” button on your post it would expand and show the replies to your post. Now on any of my mobile browsers and on any theme the “X reply” thing doesn’t show up anymore on any post that is replied to and if I were to click on your name in the post that replied to it the browser just takes me to that post instead of doing the below.

The following pic is from my phone, it doesn’t show the “1 reply” thing on your post

It’s not too big of a deal but it was easier to follow convos without being moved to the spot in the thread where the reply post happened or being able to see how many people replied to a post and expanding all the replies below it. Wondering if you might know why this changed (maybe the software updated) or if there was any way to fix it?

ggoreo for president!

lol can’t believe I overlooked that but now it’s back to normal and will make my mobile viewing so much better, thanks!

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