Healthcare USA #1

Actual good news: medical debt under $500 and less than a year old will no longer show up on credit reports.

I’d like to think this was due on some level to fairness but its probably just lenders getting annoyed they can’t lend to enough people.

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It 100% is the second one.

Things are gonna get very weird with debt in the next couple years and I’d imagine there’s gonna be a few mulligans given so the industry doesn’t have to re-imagine their money printing machine.

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Quick baby , how much did it cost?

Thread but the highlights


Yeah this is an area where the psychos at bogleheads are all over optimal strategy, which is to sell the house at least 5 years before you could ever need Medicaid. The Medicare / Medicaid rules are insanely complex.

I had to pay for some of the medication I was prescribed. The equivalent of $15 but still.


You can probably theoretically sell the house into some sort of trust or corporation your kids own and give yourself like a 50 year lease at $1/mo or something. I’m sure there’s a way to work that if you’re willing to pay all the lawyers and such.

You’re probably right because the IRS does not enforce tax rules on rich people. In Canada our beloved tax overlords are actually pretty attentive to this stuff. I think if you try this stuff within Canada (like the house and the trust/corp and all the tax payers are in Canada) you have a decent chance of being caught and have a tax finding against. The strategy here for rich people seems to be to just hide all the money in Bermuda. That is a safe way to cheat taxes because all the rich politicians to it so they do not allow the tax agency to look into it too much.

Nurse found guilty

Sounds about right… One important consideration is you wouldn’t really have to do that in Canada to avoid medical bankruptcy or, I assume, getting your net worth reduced to nothing for your elder care.

hard to see how the public is served by this prosecution, this actually makes us worse off IMO, people will be discouraged from working as nurses in these environments, the designers of these stupid fucking systems are basically going to be let off the hook, so we’ll continue to be subjected to them.

Yeah, that’s right. The main purpose of Canadian offshoring is that if you hold the money in Canada and invest it then you pay tax on investment gains, if you transfer the money offshore you can invest it and pay not tax on the investment earnings.

Most importantly, it heavily incentivizes people to not report.

Good thing the US already has an endless surplus of nurses.

Saw some doctors and nurses freaking out about this on tiktok.

Apparently this is a thing now.

I did a brief search on that code and it looks like the requirements to bill for it are pretty well-defined. It looks like you have to do an assessment with a standardized instrument to screen for stuff like depression. I didn’t do a deep dive to see what qualifies as a “standardized instrument”, but maybe there is some bullshit one out there that can be done in a couple of seconds.

So if they are billing that properly, then it’s not just for “crying”.

Odds are they are not billing it properly and committing some light insurance fraud on the “mole removal”. On the other one it’s more believable that they actually provided the service (and that it was necessary) and it wasn’t just for “crying”.

But unless you have a lot more info, you can’t really draw any conclusions from these tweets.

My wife works in the insurance industry (not for a provider) and said that if you tell the doc about any issues at your routine annual checkup, you can expect to get billed for extra shit.

My doctor refuses to talk about anything other than the checkup. Anything else I have to make a separate visit for. The assistant makes that very very clear up front before the checkup. America!