Healthcare USA #1

Super scary. Sending positive thoughts your way.

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No prayers? Reported.


I’ve had one of these and they are no joke. I was laughing really hard and started coughing from asthma and then passed out and smashed my forehead on the doorway. I came to super confused about what happened, and my friends waited to make sure I was okay before laughing at me for knocking myself unconscious.

The doctor said the reaction itself is no big deal, it’s whatever you smash into on the way down. I hope she’s okay! If it helps with any lingering concern, mine was 8 or 9 years ago and it hasn’t happened since.

That happens to me when I get blood drawn or learn about medical stuff.

Jesus that’s scary. Super glad she is ok now, and glad you got through without having a heart attack. Tell her that random people on a weird internet forum are sending her well wishes. Eh…maybe don’t do that on second thought. I can only imagine how terrifying that was for you :(

I put my mom through a very similar incident except I didn’t come to for about an hour and was at the hospital by then. She still says that it was one of the scariest moments of her life.

I passed out at a doctors office once getting blood drawn. The nurses made fun of me every time I went back to the office.

So was it $1843 altogether, or was it $1089 but it would have been $754 had you not used your insurance? (Either way it’s outrageous, but the latter would be even more of a joke.)

Same thing happened to me at the local whorehouse.

Insurance: the only thing you pay for where you’re wasting your money regardless of whether or not you use it.

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Amazing, so the 15k in premiums buys you the privilege of paying more for the same treatment than you if had no insurance at all.


Thanks for the well-wishes on my kid. She’s doing fine. Had to wake her up every two hours last night, per doctor’s orders, so of course I ended up taking the night shift and then when I finally slept, I didn’t wake up until after 1:00pm. I could hear her laughing, so I assumed she was ok on the concussion front.

She just made an appearance to grab some ice for her jaw and she seems good. Can barely open her mouth, has chipped teeth, and has a gash on her chin, but all in all, assuming it was a vasovagal reaction, it’s pretty much best case scenario.

EDIT: She says Boost chocolate drinks are good.


This might actually be cause for concern.


Maybe she also has COVID.

WTF. Put the whole industry in prison.


Sucks so much balls that to make it anywhere in politics in America you have to pay homage to the insurance industry and be their bitch.

AOC, tho

She has zero power so far. If she wants to become Speaker of the House, she has to sell her soul. Until then, she one of 435.

This sucks and hopefully it was just a one off thing for her. I’ve experienced these things all my life, my first one i remember was in grade school in the hallway and it has probably happened 15ish times since then. Usually I can tell when it is going to happen so i’ll sit or lay down where i am (places I’ve done this include casino floors, the middle of bourbon street at midnight, in school, in line at a busy restaurant). It starts with my vision fading away completely and then i just kind of pass out and wake up a couple minutes later, usually drenched in sweat and feeling like complete shit. It freaks people out, they usually think you’re dying in front of them and is such a shitty condition to have because it can happen anywhere.

Awesome news, glad she is on the mend! Now she just needs to come up with an epic story for how she chipped her tooth and gashed her chin.

I once went three months were Boost was the only thing I “ate”. 6 or more a day, no food at all. It’s not terrible, but after a few days it becomes a real chore.

How about head butting a short Nazi?