Healthcare USA #1

Rsigley apparently went and got an x-ray at 2p2’s urging (said it felt like daggers in his lung sometimes). Apparently he has a severely herniated lung and they’re sending him to surgery Monday after getting the xray today - which means it must be pretty serious. Hopefully that’s it and they don’t find any permanent damage.

Professional advice is definitely good, especially if you have a spouse or dependents. I’m not an expert, but my sense is that a lot of the traps come from the interactions between multiple people, particularly people of different ages/employment status.

I plan to be semi-retired and scrounging by w/o health insurance in Mexico or something. Hopefully that’s not an issue to get signed up on Medicare.

Not to sound like a Boomer - but I’ve paid enough into that damn thing. They better not try to screw me just because I decide to live in another country in my late 50s/early 60s - and not pay Obamacare rates for absentee insurance I won’t even use.

If you’re telling me I need to be a corporate wage slave until age 65 or it fucks up my Medicare I’m gonna strap an assault rifle and storm the nearest capitol building.

That can’t be right though. My Dad was on super-crappy Missouri Medicaid, then Medicare was a godsend for him. Please don’t tell me that counts but being out of the country doesn’t.

Maybe I need to come back and be broke for a couple years on Medicaid before Medicare?

Not signing you up for wage slavery. My point was more that if, say, one spouse is working full time and insured through work and the other is retired, you’d probably want expert advice about whether the retired spouse can/should be covered on the working spouses’ plan, stuff like that.

Yeah I can see that. I doubt I’ll be married and if I am it probably won’t be an American citizen. I just wanna know if I can go back to the US, sign up for Medicare, and pay a reasonable premium to get care if I have major health issues.

They don’t expect them to do that, they don’t want them to do that… They want them to make mistakes and back themselves into corners and pay more money for less coverage.

Like the whole reason this shits so complicated, I’m going to take a wild guess here, is that health insurance lobbyists got this bullshit put into the law for exactly this reason.

It’s definitely crafted by lobbyists like everything else. Dunno how much of the decision maze is intentional versus a byproduct of the spaghetti code required to make all of the garbage rent-seeking functions compile.

When Warren started waffling on Medicare for All and made her own plan, she wasn’t ever really asked whether she still co-sponosred the bill in the Senate, the specific set of plans that were going to be made law. This allowed her to claim she was still for Medicare for All while proposing policies that delayed it. Now we have the real answer. This was never actually going to happen, it was just a popular policy that she saw as a gateway to power but the donor class could never accept.

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Everyone apparently wants to get to single payer … eventually.


the two options were

“i will fight for M4A the second i get into the office”


“i will try to convince Mitch McConnell its a good idea after a few years of a trial program”

Supposed smart people thought these two things were the same. This people were mostly well off and already had insurance.


Well it’ll be a lot cheaper to provide health care to the 400 Americans living in the post apocalyptic wasteland of 2030.

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Renodoc will finally get his wish - to trade healthcare for chickens. Except the guy with the chickens will have all the leverage.


Boomers: Don’t have kids you can’t afford.

Also boomers: OMG where are my grandchildren?!


Every large company in the world has training telling people don’t circulate emails internally that would be embarrassing if they were made public. 99%+ of employees roll their eyes at the stupid compliance training. Most companies get burned by this stuff eventually.

My favorite is the Enron traders openly discussing crimes with each other while knowing they were being recorded. They also talked about how smart they were.

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lol how will we pay for it

Them cashing out feels like a good sign weirdly. They might actually think the industry is about to be in trouble. And if anyone would know it would be them.