Healthcare USA #1

This is a pretty solid business idea actually.

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Until the outsourced consumer customer service starts colluding with the corporate customer service.

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Yeah that pivot is going to be pretty profitable. Like I said itā€™s a good business idea.

If I could give more hearts I would.

At another point, Edwards invoked the lower-court opinion in asking Klein, ā€œCould you tell me why Judge Boasbergā€™s very thorough analysis isnā€™t eminently correct based on the [HHS] secretaryā€™s failure to consider the effects on enrollment?ā€

Klein did not address the question directly. She said the district judge had assumed people who leave Medicaid would become uninsured, when he should have considered that some would get jobs that come with health benefits and others could buy health plans through Affordable Care Act marketplaces.

So part of their bullshit argument here is that some (significant number of) people on Medicaid would buy a marketplace plan once kicked off Medicaid? Does anyone know how that works? If I remember correctly from goofing around on the exchange, it doesnā€™t even give you the option to buy a plan if you enter a low income. It just says ā€œsee if you qualify for Medicaid in your stateā€ and dead ends there. Do people in non-expansion states get max premium tax credits if they are below the poverty line?

Pretty sure without expanded Medicaid you are screwed below the poverty line. Was always the worst part about all this.

I think one of the worst things is that thereā€™s basically no way to hold companies accountable for fuckery, but your credit/life get ruined if you canā€™t pay medical bills.

When my son was born they did a hearing test at the hospital. We werenā€™t given a choice. A month later a bill for $700 shows up because apparently our insurance denied it.

I called the company who did the billings/collections and they straight up lied to me. I was told that insurance will almost never cover any portion of these services but if I pay cash right now theyā€™d give me a 50% discount.

I ended up declining and doing further research and figured out itā€™s basically government mandated that insurance companies cover this service. They had coded it wrong.

I then had to educate the benefits advocate we were assigned by Blue Cross of thisā€¦ and they had to have it out with the billing company. Suddenly the $700 bill was $0.

The fact that every single entity was wrong and I had to do my own research and push the envelope to get this done is insane. The only one who would have suffered from this is me. As far as I know I donā€™t have recourse against them for not knowing their shit, billing it wrong etc.

Further, weā€™ve gone through this with two other bills where suddenly services were covered. Itā€™s a scam.


See, when you say they were wrong and didnā€™t know their shit, I think youā€™re giving them waaaaaaaay too much credit. Itā€™s by design. Thatā€™s whyā€¦


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Yup. Iā€™m sorry but anyone making the pro health insurance case vs public healthcare is just flatly wrong. There is no validity to their perspective and they donā€™t have a single reasonable point.


The only point being shouted out against MFA is OMGCOMMUNISM!

Other than greed and wanting to see poor people suffer, there is no valid argument against it.

There are people on this forum talking about how they like their own health insurance and it isnā€™t feasible to get rid of it. Those people are super wrong. Iā€™d @ them if I wanted to start a shit storm, but I think they know they are wrong deep down.


Yeah I mean Iā€™ve got pretty good insurance and my employer pays 90% of the premium. Almost zero out of pocket beyond that, assuming I stay in network - and my ā€œin networkā€ includes Johns Hopkins Hospital and the University of Maryland medical system. Iā€™ve been looking into therapists/psychiatrists and a lot of my options are people who are professors at Hopkins med school, and itā€™s 5 bucks a session to see them.

Iā€™m also not a fucking selfish monster who takes that into account when deciding what policy I prefer.

Unfortunately this is a rare quality. Not many people are willing to sacrifice anything at all for the benefit of society.

If you donā€™t mind, how much is that insurance? And do you feel tied to your job by it?

It doesnā€™t matter if he feels tied to his job by itā€¦ because heā€™s tied to his job by it. Those kinds of benefits arenā€™t easy to get outside of conventional employment. If he has any health issues at all heā€™s anchored to them as firmly as if he was physically chained to a wall. Itā€™s not something thatā€™s power comes from belief lol.

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Iā€™m not sure tbh. Itā€™s either like 65/biweekly or like 65/month - Iā€™ll have to look at my paycheck, but Iā€™m pretty sure itā€™s the former. In either case thatā€™s for my wife and I and covers health, rx, vision, and dental with pretty minimal out of pocket expenses except for dental procedures.

I just started the job so I donā€™t feel tied down, but also my wife has pretty good benefits at her job if I ever wanted to leave. Iā€™m also a very healthy 32 year old with minimal medical expenses and so itā€™s never been something Iā€™ve been super worried about.

re: tied to job
Easier, more polite, and effective to ask the question than make such a statement.

I take this to mean the GOP wants nothing to do with it?

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Yeah I assume it would never reach the floor in the senate and Trump would Blame the do nothing democrats.