Healthcare USA #1

It’s the rule, not the exception


I don’t get the sequence of emojis at the end of that tweet. I mean the first three I get. Not sure how anyone can be love/peace after sending two women with curable conditions home to die.



We love our health insurance, don’t we folks :clap: :clap:

Profit motive is important :clap: :clap:

Dont you love all the innovation? (That only like 5 people in the country can afford)

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Great system

Glad the WSJ is actually reporting on this.

god why do these stupid fucking doctors make it so fucking hard to GIVE THEM MONEY

I just got another bill from an appointment I had in February.

Are all CVSs disorganized clusterfucks? I’m getting a flu shot and COVID booster and about 10 things have gone wrong so far.

The Walgreens I usually go to is run like a tight ship in.comparison

CVS sucks compared to walgreens. I switched over years ago after having multiple issues with CVS, and have never had a problem with walgreens.


5 month update:

Overall Cholesterol down from 251 to 119.

Ldl down fron 181 to 53.

Fatty liver enzymes down from 77 to 45.

So yeah, essentially a miracle drug. Wish I had done that a lot sooner.


Guy ran a horrible hospital system, people died. Congress called him in and he didn’t show up.

As of this moment Ralph de la Torre no longer exists. Say hello to Miguel Sanchez!

download (4)


well tbf this also describes certain members of the senate



Not America but I just overcame gastroenteritis. Apparently my digestive system is still pretty fucked up from it. Lot of incomplete emptying and bloating over the last few days. Kinda hard to justify eating when I really don’t have room for anything else in my system.

Hopefully, this is just my digestive system trying to sort itself out now that the virus is gone and it won’t be a long-term problem. I’ve been eating more fibrous foods and drinking more water but it hasn’t had much of an impact. Can’t call my GP until Monday morning.

Communist healthcare fails again!