Healthcare USA #1

They can come after your estate presumably

JFC. Thanks for answering.

I really hope you get the care you need.

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Being poor has a few advantages.

Currently at the doctorā€™s office.

Appointment time: 805
Current time: 847

No sign of doctor.

Thank God I donā€™t live in Canada where I would have to wait to see a doctor!

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Did the UK doctors get their deal? Or are they still threatening to strike?

Iā€™ve often thought about how much time Iā€™ve spent waiting at drs offices over the past 20 years, and how much I would have made if I got paid minimum wage for that time. It would be a nice windfall to get back pay on that time.

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This part doesnā€™t really bother me. Itā€™s the waiting months to get the appointment part that Iā€™m leery of. It can easily turn into years of waiting depending on how difficult your case is and how much they wanna solve it for you. My PCP and I dice rolled five sleep specialists before finding one who sort of figured out what I had and how to treat it. That was a 3-year time-wasting experiment. The one I waited the longest for (6 months) had no clinic wait time at all: she came in, read my chart, said ā€œOh, circadian. Thereā€™s nothing I can do for you, sorry. Maybe try Doctor [name] at [another hospital].ā€ It was a two-minute consult tops.

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Well, I did wait 2 months for the appointment.

Thankfully it was just my yearly physical and I had my lab work done beforehand so there werenā€™t any surprises for me.

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seriously my wife waited in the exam room for her (now ex-)endocrinologist once for ~45 minutes, finally poked her head out to ask the nurse if they had forgotten about her and the doctor had taken her kids to lunch without telling her staff.

Thats childs play. Iā€™ve waited in an exam room for 3 hours before.

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Just call someone and have a chat.

Whatā€™s the big deal?

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During the process of me appealing the insuranceā€™s decision to deny everything ordered by my disease expert (who is OuT oF nEtWoRK), it was recommended that I take on a patient advocate in my state who specifically dealt with these edge-case insurance issues. So I finally get on a call with this Karen, who is a nurse or former nurse or whatever. Like a true insurance shill, she kept saying ā€œThere are many fine doctors in your area. I can help you find one if you like,ā€ and each time I would remind her that nearly all of the cases go to experts or tertiary centers that specialize specifically in this thing, and that there are zero of those in network. We went back and forth on this for a while. and then finally she broke character and said, "Youā€™re right, this is highly-specialized and I agree with you, but you canā€™t have the best of everything."

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Just once Iā€™d like to say to the doctor ā€œyou know what? Iā€™m not ready for you yet. Why donā€™t you go back to your little office and Iā€™ll be there in a minute. And take your pants off!ā€

She must be related to the ā€œwith how fast this year is going, 2 months really isnā€™t that longā€ lady.

I fell for the nurse case manager scam before. ā€œPatient advocateā€ my ass. There number one job is to save the insurance company money. Tried to completely change my treatment plan and where I was treated, all for the worse.

Wait, the ā€œpatient advocateā€ works for the insurance company? LOL.

Right, I quickly snuffed out her actual motive, but Iā€™m still not entirely sure what ā€œyou canā€™t have the best of everythingā€ is supposed to mean. Is that a popular concept with these guppy-brained insurance shills? I mean just the idea that there are clearly observable and objective quality levels in medicine is somewhat nebulous to begin with, but Iā€™d love to hear someone spell out what the conceptualization of this even is. Because it sounds like theyā€™re equating medicine to, say, automobiles, where Iā€™m only due a Toyota but was asking for a Lamborghini. Yet, I was just getting a standard workup for this thing by someone who knows what the fuck theyā€™re doing and has diagnosed hundreds of cases. One of my local doctors tried to do the workup, ordered the wrong tests (which were negative ldo), and ruled it out. Fucking whoops. Is that the ā€œmediumā€ level of care that I deserve or what exactly?

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Yes. I wish I still had the emails so I could share them. The lady was dumb as rocks and would call me multiple times a week. Basically she tried to get me to switch my biologic infusion provider, and wanted me to go to some literal hole in the wall ā€œinfusion siteā€ in the heart of one of the worst parts of Philly. I looked it up on Google maps and it genuinely looked like an abandoned drug house. All in the name of saving them money since I was getting it at the hospitals oncology suite which is more expensive. I kindly told her to fuck off and remove me from her case load.

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ā€œUtilization Review Specialistā€

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OK review for (Cubanā€™s Site).

So I have ridiculously good insurance. However, for whatever reason they didnā€™t have the birth control formulation my wife used for years before I got my current job. NBD, we tried some other things thinking it wouldnā€™t be a big deal. She hated the other things, we tried to just order cash, it was 330/mo, fuck that. Normal prescriptions for us cost 5 bucks per script, even if itā€™s a 20k/mo drug.

So I pop on over to Cubanā€™s site, and they have that drug available. Sweet. I sign my wife up.

I call the provider script line, wait on hold for 5 minutes, give them my info and a verbal order. Usually donā€™t write scripts for family members but fuck the 300/mo, perfectly legal for me to write for something like birth control. Script is available for order an hour later, total cost:

14.31 for a 3 month supply plus 15 expedited shipping charge (normal is 5)

Fucking brilliant.