Healthcare as private property doesn't have any net benefit

Why are we brainwashed into thinking that research scientists will work any harder to find and produce a cure, if their paycheck comes from a private individual instead of the public, or if the equipment and facilities they use are owned privately instead of publicly?

Healthcare is a public good and must be wholly owned by the public. There’s no benefit the public gets from it being yet another capitalist enterprise. If the public can’t match private funding (a dubious claim given how much the public already subsidizes this private property) then the funds should just be obtained elsewhere. From military funding, police funding, and from wealth taxes.


Even the argument that private market profit motive in necessary to drive innovation in health care seems wrong. One of the biggest areas of health care innovation driven by profit motive is pharmaceuticals, where the free market is propped up by intellectual capital laws to make the profit motive work. And even then it’s been an mitigated disaster of high prices and an opioid addiction epidemic.

Do we even need more innovation in health care? We don’t need everyone to live forever, certainly not boomers.

Orphan drug status is probably one of the best examples of perverse incentives that aren’t aligned with the public interest.

Well sure, but the people who like private insurance don’t care about net benefit.

I think they’d care if they were made aware that their insurance and taxes were covering drugs that are $300k/yr on average and often only marginally or perhaps no more effective than cheaper ones that are already available. Obviously those people are blind to orphan diseases to begin with because that’s the only way they could possibly stan for private insurance. “I’m healthy and like my insurance. I don’t see what the big deal is.”

If you don’t support M4A you can fuck yourself to death

What if I support M4A but I support BMWs for insurance executives even more?

You might be a liberal!

I’ll be the left wing Jeff Foxworthy.

If you think regulations will stop companies from ruining the economy then you might be a liberal.

If you think voting will save the country then you might be a liberal.

If you think police reformation will stop the abuse then you might be a liberal.


If you think posting memes on the internet will start a revolution you might be a leftist!

If you think lawns are one of the biggest crimes against humanity you might be a leftist!

If you think telling others to read books over 100 years old will enlighten them you might be a leftist!


Very funny, but the best jokes about any group always come from the inside lol.