Happy First Birthday, Unstuck!

Named the site


Nom de namer

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Vital to the title


Handled the handle

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Bad Nombre


well named



alternatively: named well

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I didn’t see all the replies about a possible undertitle till just now. Love em!

I want to thank you guys for making this place.

I’ve mostly-lurked on 2p2 almost every day since 2002. It was a great community of intelligent people who shared the unique experience of becoming an adult during the poker boom. Reading a thread about anything would leave you better informed than 95+% of the population and in an entertaining way.

Unfortunately, the level of discussion there has been on a downward slope for so long that there is almost nothing of value left. I basically only read my subscribed threads on the NFL and some Internet Poker/Software stuff. Any time I venture into a discussion thread, it is almost entirely unfunny trolls and idiots. I rarely participated, but slowly losing that resource and entertainment sucked.

I don’t even have an interest in politics, I mostly stayed out of that forum because the topic is depressing and things are unlikely to change in any meaningful way. This site brings back the gathering of intelligent people discussing things that I enjoy reading and collecting informed opinions from.

I appreciate the posters here and I’m glad that the 2p2 leadership being dumbasses led to the best thing to come out of the site in years.

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