Great American hegemony - our definitions count, yours don't, wherever you are.

He has the option , as you also do, of understanding that the meanings of phrases vary from country to country. If he chooses not to exercise that option, his reaction is his problem.

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I mean being lectured by white middle class kids not even old enough to remember the 80s on how I shouldn’t use an 80s term for an item that black guys and white guys I worked with in a warehouse used stinks of white middle class liberal guilt.


Wow, trotting out accusations of white guilt, that’s an interesting strategy.

So is your standard anything that “wasn’t racist” in the 80s is not racist to use now?

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My standard, which I will now practice, is to talk about these things with people who have some idea about different cultures, and not people like you.

If you never talked to me again, my forum experience would be much more enjoyable. I’d say the entire forum would be better off if you just STFU overall, but I assume a few people enjoy the copy and paste BBC updates… so you at least provide a little value with those.


I’m not alone here in wishing you’d carried out one of your numerous self-indulgent and hysterical “threats” to fuck off months ago when you didn’t get your own way over another poster’s behaviour.

How are the entertaining youtube selling videos going? Not so well I guess.

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Tough shit.

Lol is this your attempt to hurt my feelings? I’m locked down cause of a pandemic. I had to give that post a heart for being comically pathetic.

You’re a prick, you’ve consistently been a prick to a few of us, and you should fuck right off.

Sorry for the derail @Rugby.

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As an additional data point: The term ghetto blaster was also commonly used in Germany when I grew up. Nobody thought anything of it at the time.


Lol the uk still didn’t think blackface was racist in the 80s. Idk why you’re picking this hill to die on, man. Sure, we all called them that. we don’t anymore. Helps that nobody has seen one in 20 years I guess…


How do you know this? Blackface made me and most people I knew curl up with embarrassment in the 80s, as did gollywogs and all the rest of it. Maybe the establishment didn’t see it that way but a lot of young people did.

You’re the only person who’s picked up on how stupid my reference was to an object that became obsolete decades ago.

15 years in Yorkshire. Hearing genuinely nice, generous people reminisce about how entertaining the black & white minstrel show was. Idk you personally and I’m not accusing you of anything but picking a bad spot to shove but there is a pervasive ignorance w/r/t race over there. I’m not racist because Islam isn’t a race is still the level of discourse. Don’t even get me started about the openly racist Tory tabloids’ ubiquity.

My two oldest mates are from York. It’s far from the barometer of public opinion in the UK. One of them has always described Yorkshire people as ■■■■■ (said in an exaggerated York accent lol) and they couldn’t wait to move to London, where I met them.

I agree with most of your post. I never felt racism had been defeated in the hip 90s in the way that many did who bought into all the BS about cool Britannia and Brit pop nonsense - I was living in the East End then and heard racism against Bangladeshis every day I was out and about, which was often - and when the financial collapse of 2008 came we knew what that meant in terms of blame because it’s always been the same.

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Lol. This thread took a turn.

You can both be right.

  1. Words can be used differently in different contexts.

  2. If your response to hearing something is considered racist isn’t to stop and reflect a little then you have a massive leak in your fixing your own racist attitudes game.

  3. Even if that term was used one way, you are now using it in a different context, and language is defined at the ear not at the mouth.

I apologise for my part in the derail, Rugby.

2 should accurately read
If your response to hearing something is considered racist in a similar context isn’t to stop and reflect a little then you have a massive leak in your fixing your own racist attitudes game.

Never heard the term so had to look it up.

I think the phrase likely has racist connotations in the same way that hood, thug, and ghetto by itself do.

Also randomly found this while googling:

Looked it up on America-centric wikipedia.


It sounds like that’s where the term came from no?

I don’t know its origin. I do know that words frequently have connotations that vary according to country.

Did you find this while googling?