I think I may have asked about this a few years ago (on the original exiled politics?), but every year I put together a slideshow for a middle school “graduation.” It is a pretty bog-standard slideshow, with baby/toddler/current pictures of the graduates, but it’s generally a hit. I tend to be overly proud of the production quality of this thing, but mostly about the backing soundtrack. I eschew the obvious (like Vitamin C and Green Day), and I like to mix genres and time periods, etc. This year I could use some inspiration!
Again, I am open to everything, and would actually prefer things that are upbeat, and of course songs about friendship, childhood, change, independence, growing up, etc, all work best.
My favorite song ever for this purpose, I think was this one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mYFaghHyMKc&ab_channel=FamilyoftheYear. I like that it’s sentimental but isn’t lugubrious or dragging.
Please PM me any ideas! If I get enough, I will do a mini-walrus reveal of my favorites in this thread. But even if you don’t want me to do that with your choice, please send me any idea. Good recommendations lead to other good inspirations, and so on…
Thanks in advance. :-)