GOP insanity spinoff: UP interviews lagtight

I believe that dinosaurs existed. Why did you assume that I denied their existence?

Not correct. The liar in this case is hokie. I believe that dinosaurs existed, and have never claimed otherwise.


Why would I assume otherwise given how old you think the earth is. So earth is 6000 years old and the fossils of dinosaurs are… less than 6000 years old?



I believe that dinosaurs and people existed at the same time before the Great Flood.

A couple of small one’s (like lizards we see today) were taken on the Ark, while the big 'uns perished in the flood.

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This post got seven likes in less than a half-hour. Amazin’!

So dinosaurs existed 6000 years ago alongside man. Sure. How did petroleum develop underground? Did god put it there?

This. I was willing to seriously engage with him before learning he’s a young earth creationist drooler.

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  • Humans and dinosaurs coexisted like the Flintstones documentary cartoon series
  • A group of people, all the same religion, you know the ones I’m talking about, planted fake dinosaur bones in the ground to confuse the faith of true christians
  • God himself planted fake dinosaur bones in the ground to gatekeep anyone with a logical mind out of heaven
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I’m willing to deal with the bigotry in exchange for this kind of entertainment. A+


I suspect that either God “put it there”, or that petroleum came from the fossils of creatures that perished in the Great Flood.

I actually do drool sometimes, but it’s mostly from sinus issues that I have.

This exchange is the reason I quit Facebook 10 years ago. My moron cousin (Florida) was spewing the same moron shit about humans and dinosaurs coexisting before the Great Flood.

It is impossible to argue against; any Gotcha that you might use will be met with, “that’s why I follow Jesus, brother! :hugs:

The dunks feel good for a bit but eventually it starts to feel equivalent to putting your head through the wall.

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Too bad the correct answer isn’t one of the available options.

If you’re going to make a stoopid poll, at least include “None of the Above” as an option next time please. Thanking you in advance.

You already answered it. You said flintstones.


Hey everyone knows that the Bible, (written piecemeal over millennia and translated through countless languages, dialects and cultures) is the final arbiter of truth in this wacky, crazy world. The inconsistencies and plot holes are only miracles provided by the all powerful Oz, I mean God.


Please stop lying, dude.

Full Disclosure: I’m making that request “for the record.” I realize you will almost certainly continue to lie anyway.

Thank you!

Like the Flinstones!

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