GOP insanity containment thread 3: more human than strom thurman

A) gays for Trump
B) typically dumb MAGA


Learned a new one.

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Born to ride Donald J Trump

Forced to settle for a motorcycle


The first half of that seems unironically good?

Private Eye (a fantastic UK satirical periodical that really needs a US analog) has a small section entitled “Pseud’s corner.” This definition would fit right in:

Ambivalent to its core, the term is at once politically earnest and the punchline to an elaborate in-joke; its definition must remain elastic, lest it lose its power to lampoon the vast constellation of social forces it reviles. It refers at once to our increasingly degraded mode of technocratic governance; but also to wokeness, to the “progressive,” “liberal,” and “secular” values that pervade all major institutions. More fundamentally, the Longhouse is a metonym for the disequilibrium afflicting the contemporary social imaginary.

My own Pseuds effort: Society is the longhouse and women are its masters. Women dominate the HR and compliance officer workforce. From this position of power they compel society to prioritise feminine values via female modes of control. These are the values of timidity, conformity and egalitarianism, enforced by the twin whips of social exclusion and reputational harm. Overt ambition and assertive individuality are to be abhorred. Freedom of speech and truth itself are now secondary to the prevention of offence and harm, sacrificed on the alter of the false god of “safetyism.”

Think of the Covid Karen: Triple-masked. Quad-boosted. Self-confined for months on end. Hyperventilating in panic as she ventures to the grocery store for the first time in a year. Then scolding the rest of us for wanting to send our kids back to school, and demanding instead that we all abide by her hypochondria, on pain of punishment by the bureaucratic state. This person—who is as often male as female—is the avatar of the Longhouse

The first thing that comes to mind when I hear the words “Covid Karen” is a white woman screaming at a school board meeting about how kids are immune to Covid and it’s just a flu and it’s a hoax and it’s Chinese Lab attack, etc. etc.


3000 people died in 9/11 and these fuckers cheered on a 20 year war. Mom takes care not to get ill from a virus that killed OVER A MILLION PEOPLE in the US and that mother is labelled an hystericsl Karen.

Fucking upside down bizarro world.

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Put spooky music behind this and you have the next Alex Jones “documentary”

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Good propaganda for recruiting young insecure males.


I read your post and I still have no idea wtf longhouse is?


That’s the beauty of it. It’s whatever you want it to be.

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a synecdoche for a fascist crank-anthropology fever dream about neolithic societies being dystopian gynarchies ruled over by a class of sternly patronizing matrons who won’t let you have ANY fun until they were all killed by glistening, oiled up BUT SUPER STRAIGHT horseman tribes

Nazi incels think neolithic societies were run by dour matriarchs who valued meekness and not making waves above all else (think HR). These values were enforced through village meetings in the longhouse. Then Central Asians figured out how to ride horses, slaughtered all these cuckold cultures, and ushered in the golden age of men (but not in a gay way).

It’s time for Andrew Tate to start raping and pillaging to restore the patriarchy so all the incels will get their pick of the hot girls w/o pointy elbows, THE END.


…so it could just be a long house?

Is it supposed to refer to a style of dwelling for certain types of Native Americans, maybe some of which had matriarchal cultures?

Fun fact this is the longest house:

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Neolithic Europeans lived in longhouses. Just a big, long house made of wood, clay and sheep shit. Maybe 30 folk to a single house. I reckon @clovis might know more.

I’m very comfortable taking the trains that Trump was going to use to round us all onto and load up the 9,782 people that voted for this absolute landfill. Can’t imagine there is one single, solitary person in that group that I wouldn’t want to unalive, unless they misread her name as Selena Gomez.

Check out the ezcellent documentary Midsommar for more