GOP insanity containment thread 3: more human than strom thurman

party of the working class!


Can we just take a moment to appreciate how clever this scam is? The right is extremely good at stuff like this, Cruz in particular.


Would my bonus count as a tip?


Was the legislation actually passed or just proposed?

yeah I am absolutely going to “recharacterize” commissions as tips

I work freelance. Can I just say I work for free, but accept tips?

I work for actual tips, so I’ll just be fucked.


I remember traveling dealers for tournaments telling me the trump tax cut fucked them. Not sure if that was true



No, you need to become a judge, and then classify all your bribes as tips.


I’m in Kansas City. I’ve seen a dozen commercials for MO state races and every single one of them spent almost the entire commercial talking about how they’ll deport every illegal immigrant on day one. Batshit insane.

Most of them are Republicans bashing other Republicans for being secretly liberal, the gravest of insults. Look at this closet liberal and his subsidized school lunch policy that went to illegal immigrants! give out free lunches! Better 100 non-illegal kids starve than one illegal kid be fed.

It’s important to me that the state treasurer hates illegal immigrants. Gotta be the key trait for that job.

Literally the only thing they have to freak out about, since they can’t run on the economy. Immigrants and trans issues — the existential crises of our time. Everything else is inconsequential.

The level of anti-immigrant hysteria in America now is like nothing I’ve ever seen. And the Dems are trash on this issue too, things look like they’re going to get very dark.

If Rs win, suddenly the same amount of people showing up at the border seeking asylum will be ignored by right-wing media and the MSM.

“I never hear about those illegals anymore. Trump must be doing a great job!”

At least until the midterms, when it might reach crisis levels again, before dying down in December.


The simpsons did this episode in 19 fucking 96 so it’s not like the “blame illegal immigrants for all our problems” is some new playbook but holy fuck Trump has kicked it up to 11. It’s honestly the only consistent policy position I think he has.


Remember the CARAVANS? lol so right that the 20% of the time that isn’t election season everyone goes back to ignoring immigrants/asylum seekers. Until a code orange 20+ body count mass gun murder where Ya’ll Qaeda breathlessly fantasizes about it being a brown person before its invariably another creepy white kid that can’t talk to girls.


He turned a dog whistle into a bullhorn and they lap it up.

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Reminiscent of and perhaps could be worse than the Chinese Exclusion Act, anti-Irish racism, and the Japanese Internment. But hey, if the mass deportations come to pass, then AQ can take comfort in the fact that there will be some protests against these things that go totally unheeded.

When has this not been true

What year was George Wallace elected president? I forget.

If anyone’s a “hero” in this scenario, it was the SS guy who killed the would-be assassin.