GOP insanity containment thread 3: more human than strom thurman

It’s time to accept that the crazies won.

The idea that US law is somehow based on the 10 commandments is some legit wild stuff. That’s basically like saying medicine is based on Jesus cause he cured some shit. Hell, there were legal systems 1000 years before the Bible.

Almost. There’s a sense of calm that’s came over me these last few weeks. I’ve resided myself to the fact that if Trump wins the next election, I just give up and accept that it’s game over and they won. Until then I’m gonna volunteer and do everything I can to prevent that from happening


I hope the satanic temple is all over this already.

Incoming baphomet statues in all Louisiana classrooms.


I think they are trying to skirt this by making the law specifically about the ten commandments and not a “public schools are allowed to have religious displays” type bullshit.

They are openly establishing a specific religion through law, its blatantly against the 1st amendment.


It’s the ol’ Texas two step. You see, the 10 commandments are merely part of the documents on which this country was founded. Would you ban the declaration of independence? They’re there to show what went in making America Great.

Once instituted, The Lord said do not covet your brother’s things. This means taxation is sinful, Also we should pray to our one true God. Every kneel except heathens.

The wife of who will decide if it’s legal.

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Let them post the plausibly secular commandments, starting with honoring parents, and censor the explicitly religious ones.

Historically illiterate


This. Four of the ten commandment’s deal exclusivly with God and have the word god in them in. The first four no less.

The constitution has 7,591 words {including signatures} and the word god is mysteriously absent. One could make argument the it was done so intentionally but that’s just mere speculation.

If i was in the LA state house i might offer an amendment that required the constitution to be displayed in the same public institution with a bolded header the mentions the absence of the word god. Display then right next to each other!

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I’m OK with them displaying the 10 commandments as long as some dril treats get the same treatment

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I think it’s been decided that the use of a generic “God” term is okay, but it’s the favoritism of one religion over another that poses the constitutional problem. The Ten Commandments are obviously a Christian symbol and thus can’t be a fixture on a public property like a school. At least I think that’s the argument.

Cancel the NFL. Can’t play on Sundays.

It’s not pure speculation, because we have such a large amount of documentation of the arguments between framers.




Sarcasm bro

We need that person to stop posting on the internet

Stewart crushing it tonight