GOP insanity containment thread 3: more human than strom thurman

That’s a hell of a non-apology.

We have moved way past the days of I am sorry if I offended you—that was not my intent.

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Humphrey said he will go back to the bill and amend the language from “Hispanic” to “undocumented here illegally, or something like that”.

Oh ok, sure.

This whole bill and this guy’s comments sound like they come from some deeply confused MAGA nutjob in a Jordan Klepper interview.


Well, yeah.


Horrible but unsurprising.

Well, I guess I won’t be waiting out the next Trump presidency in Oklahoma.

The American Socialized Military seems to be losing its white folks.


On Wednesday, Oklahoma state Sen. Nathan Dahm has proposed a bill that would require journalists to submit to drug tests, take courses in being “propaganda-free,” and get a license from the state. According to Dahm’s Senate Bill 1837, called the Common Sense Freedom of Press Control Act, “any media outlet that includes opinions at any time in its print, broadcast, or other means of distribution shall do each of the following before any articles, stories, opinions, news, videos, or other media are distributed to the public:”

  • Complete a criminal background check.
  • Receive a license from the Oklahoma Corporation Commission, which regulates public utilities in the state.
  • “[C]omplete a propaganda-free safety training course of no less than eight (8) hours as prescribed by the State Department of Education, which shall be developed in coordination with PragerU,” which is a right-wing advocacy group known for distorting U.S. history and promoting climate change denial.
  • Have liability insurance of at least $1,000,000.
  • Submit to drug testing every quarter.

Prager U setting the curriculum for this insane idea. What could go wrong.

None of this violates the first amendment right?

I mean these are just proposals that’ll never happen, so I’m falling into the trap of paying them any mind. Still!

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“Common Sense Freedom of Press Control Act”?? Cmon man you gotta try a little bit


Stop! We can only get so solid.

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yeah but look at all the steps you have to go through to do something serious like get a gun in oklahoma…

It’s hard not to take the bait.

we’ve been shitting on Oklahoma proposed legislation in here, let’s not forget FLORIDA still exists…

A florida congresscritter is pushing forward a bill that would create a fund for “Victims of Political Discrimination” to use to pay legal fees for Trump and the like. It would take 5 million dollars initially and then siphon money from drivers license fees in the future to fund the pool.

actually. back to shitting on Oklahoma. Oklahoma just appointed “LibsofTikTok” to the official state Library Advisory Committee.

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Sweet Jesus

Im sorry, wtf?


Let them fight

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Imagine being on this team of total losers. Pay his legal fees?? Lmao.

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Is Oklahoma OK?