GOP Insanity Containment: Beets, Gazpacho, and Lube

As he runs for the Senate, the ‘Hillbilly Elegy’ author has gone from media darling to establishment pariah. Is his new, fiery, right-wing persona an act? Or is something more interesting going on?

I mean I’ll post the article but it’s hundreds of words to say what everyone knows. It’s an act to get power, duh. But who cares? To win in a Republican primary you have to go full retard and that’s what he’s doing. Mandel is just better at it.

The article is just way way too credulous about Vance, “national conservativism”, and the whole cast of characters in the article. Like the article says Vance’s non profit focused on addiction was “puzzling” because it didn’t actually do anything but give a make work job for a AEI scholar, instead of seeing it as a cynical ploy to get credulous liberals to write about how Vance is putting in work for Middle America and the whole reason anyone thinks it’s puzzling is because some actual reporters asked what Vance’s non profit was actually doing.

I’ve never understood why I should give a shit about that guy.

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I remember that, but still.

It’s mostly humous to see a even a faded liberal darling dive off the deep end into territory he’s clearly not native to, just to get out maneuvered by a used car salesman or whatever Mandel is.

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I have a vision of a QAnon adjacent Senate candidate who campaigns entirely in limericks. Feels like something that should happen.

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There once was a “doctor” named Fauci
Who created a pandemic from his couchi
He tried to conspire us
With a fake Marxist virus
Then wondered why we all got so grouchy


You’re like 60% to beat Mark Kelly with just this, imo.


In the email, Bateman attacks the efficacy of the COVID-19 vaccine and urged people not to get it. He also claims that criticism of the vaccine is being censored and international charges were going to be filed against Dr. Anthony Fauci.

“I believe the Jews are behind this. For 300 years the Jews have been trying to infiltrate the Catholic Church and place a Jew covertly at the top. It happened in 2013 with Pope Francis. I believe the pandemic and systematic extermination of billions of people will lead to an effort to consolidate all the countries in the world under a single flag with totalitarian rule. I know, it sounds bonkers. No one is reporting on it, but the Hasidic Jews in the US instituted a law for their people that they are not to be vaccinated for any reason,” he wrote in the email.

In text messages, Bateman confirmed to FOX 13 he wrote the email.

“Yes. I sent it. I have nothing but love for the Jewish people. Some of my closest friends are Jews. My heart breaks for their 2500 years they’ve been mistreated by nearly every country on earth. But I do believe Scottish Rite Freemasons are behind the pandemic (overwhelmingly Jewish),” he wrote. “And I fear billions of people around the globe right now are being exterminated.”

Bateman said he emailed a few close friends with his personal opinion and “had no intention of raising a big stir.” He has retired as Entrata’s CEO but remains chair of the company’s board. Last year, Entrata raised $507 million with the help of Smith and Vivint founder Todd Pederson, among others.

Bateman has been a prominent figure in Republican politics in Utah. He was a big donor to the party, bailing them out of financial trouble and supporting one faction of the Utah GOP in an internal fight that spilled out in public over paths for candidates to get on the ballot .


Could not write better satire

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TBF, I posted this before I read the part about the GOP connection, but something told me the guy might just be a GOP supporter.


Just like those crafty Democrats knew their best shot at installing a Muslim to the Presidency was a black child born in Kenya the Jews knew their best shot at stealing the Papacy was an Argentinian, it’s all so obvious.


Hannity was apparently interested in the internal dynamics of the WH counsel’s office. Pretty advanced for a guy who hired Michael Cohen as his lawyer.

“We can’t lose the entire WH counsel’s office,” wrote Hannity to Meadows on December 31, according to the committee’s letter. “I do not see January 6 happening the way he is being told. After the 6th. [sic] He should announce will lead the nationwide effort to reform voting integrity. Go to Fl and watch Joe mess up daily. Stay engaged. When he speaks people will listen.”

The committee said it appeared that Hannity might have talked directly with Trump on January 5 and on January 10, when Hannity wrote to Meadows and Ohio Rep. Jim Jordan: “Guys, we have a clear path to land the plane in 9 days. He can’t mention the election again. Ever. I did not have a good call with him today. And worse, I’m not sure what is left to do or say, and I don’t like not knowing if it’s truly understood. Ideas?”

In his mind there are two types of Jews - the ones he knows personally (they’re ok, a credit to their race, etc.) and a separate cabal of imaginary hooked nose tricksters that are secretly running the world. It’s only the second group he hates!

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So now if someone asks “Is the Pope a Catholic?” The response is ¯_(ツ)_/¯


Meanwhile in Oklahoma. This businessman and pastor*** is running to the right of James Lankford.


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The only way Republicans canine rigged elections is the lose primary battles to Redneck Isis candidates.

some of my best friends are freemasons.

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