GOP Insanity Containment: Beets, Gazpacho, and Lube

Except that the premise itself is preposterous on its face. She’d be like “I confess to doing whatever it is you said I did”. Just the thought that one worker could overturn an election by yanking out a box of ballots from under the table is not credible. She would be asked what she did before the election to put her plan in place and what she specifically did to pull this off, and she’d have nothing. Trump’s people may be able to pull wild shit out of their asses but random elections workers can’t.

So like, 95% of confessions that black folk make to the police after hours of interrogation?

The goal isn’t to get a real conviction, it’s to have another propaganda piece to trumpet to show the elections are rigged. It would have been a powerful one too.

According to newsmax gaetz is working with bannon to create a 40000 human shock force to take over the federal government when the dems lose the presidency.

Doesn’t seem terribly concerned with his raping of young girls.


Horrible parenting. Father should be castrated.

No. It’s for criminal. Much easier to have weapons in each home than having to worry about getting caught carrying one around.

Lots of MSM TV Bob Dole Slurping today.


Biden and Tom Hanks are doing some memorial?? Lol stop it, guys

Media reports have cited her association with the rapper since 2018, when she ceased working with R. Kelly, an R&B singer who was convicted in September of racketeering and sex-trafficking charges.

Just the worst people in the world

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Spotted this the other day, just what the world needs more of

Worst police academy sequel?


Lol yeah, Police Academy 18: Larping in the Suburbs

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That was ridiculously terrible even for conservative comedian standards. Unreal. Even the conservatives may have been laughing out of politeness, especially since they have no comedic sense anyways and just try to do what other people are doing.


My anxiety just spiked watching it.

He does do a decent cockatoo impression.


This is so fucking fucked.

How do we get a conservatorship for Kanye?

What the actual fuck. Really interested to know what the end game/plan was here. Obviously try to get her to confess to something she didn’t do, but she’s insinuating that it’s the dems who are going to off her because she is a loose end. So why would she admit to it if she didn’t do it and she knows the dems know she didn’t do anything that would make her a loose end?

Just pure insanity.

America has trained millions and millions of people that if they bully staff and demand to speak to the manager, they will get what they want. They don’t have to think through to the end game, they just complain and bully and threaten until everyone around them caves. That’s all it is.