GOP Insanity Containment: Beets, Gazpacho, and Lube

I’m pretty sure the US invaded Canada back in the day.


There are many reasons why I wouldn’t want to run for office, but this is the biggest one. And it’s shit like this that will keep good people from seeking elected positions.

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I’m not worried. Americans like far away foreign wars against black and brown people. I guess the US might consider invading, like, Brampton.

Canada will become prime real estate in like 100 years due to climate change. That’s when the US will make their move.


yeah MTG is the real deal, she’s a 100% true believer. someone just putting on kayfabe for the base isn’t going to do shit like this on the floor.

It’s literally just a matter of time before she smuggles a weapon into the chamber and attacks someone.


clearly she’s not aware australia has nuclear subs now

“Decoded the HTML source code”

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Nuclear powered. They don’t have nuclear bombs

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This shit is creepy. I know attacking the press in the abstract is a political point, but naming a specific local paper newspaper with made up shit to scare old people in service of a sitting governor is making the attacking the press abstraction much more concrete.

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Well I guess they should have thought of that before they did all the hacking!


Good question, Matt. Here’s one for you: Can we trust the integrity of current members of Congress named Gaetz who are credibly accused of serious crimes when they question the impartiality of DoJ prosecutors working on their cases?

you seem surprised. she was always going to end up somewhere there

This is a move that probably won’t help if and when covid falls out of prominence. Like, this won’t be her ticket back to mainstream broadcasting.

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I mean right wing grifting is cake. She can just hit the talking points and be set


Being the brave sportscaster who refused to bow to government mandates is a pretty solid grift. She’s already talked about her sacrifice Allison Williams: I walked away from 'largest contract' of career

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telling on themselves in the process:

She said that she was in the process of applying for a medical exemption with ESPN when she was told she wouldn’t be supported. Ultimately, she requested a religious exemption despite her doctor supporting her decision not to get vaccinated.

playing the religion card after doctor’s note didn’t work. i’m going to diagnose this as a case of Karen-gitis.