GOP Insanity Containment: Beets, Gazpacho, and Lube

Not at all. That’s why I’m saying that that they will exist as a constant thorn in the side of sane people. But sane people will stop doing stuff like open public forums. They’ll have a Zoom call among trusted insiders, not ongoing commitment to engagement. Recall that my comment was originally responding to a question of what will be done about these loonies disrupting public planning meetings. What will happen is planners will stop having those meetings.

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I’m going to go with the side using direct action to get what they want (even if what they want is insane) is the reality-based movement. The one getting their dopamine hits watching John Oliver dunk on fascists are the folks divorced from reality.


I still think some sort of Balkanization is the most likely long term scenario for the US. There are too many fault lines in too many different directions for there to be any sort of clean split or clear winners and losers. Entropy claims everything eventually.

I wonder if these people reflect that there is never a movie where these people are the heroes.

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Or just tell them it’s an in depth discussion on Days of Thunder.

Bad Moms.

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I don’t understand anything about this clip of SHS newsmax interview talking about Biden not being able to talk.

This is some general talking about whether people in the military should try to understand the world and learn about CRT and whether or not that makes them communists or whatever and Gaetz shaking his head in disbelief.

Oh, that’s Mark Milley, Chair of Joint Chiefs.



Did SHS have a stroke recently? The left side of her face looks kind of droopy.

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Wow, that’s the biggest oxymoron
Since “ moral majority”

This is all stuff that easily slides into space previously occupied by organized religion because it is unnatural for that space to remain vacant.

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Party like it’s 1859.

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I’m telling you, this is the guy to be scared of.

These people are about to get got

Which people? The Republican-led Senate Oversight Committee or those who made false claims?

The Republicans who are admitting there is no fraud


Voice to text closed captioning is the best. “I’ve read mouse, a tongue”. LOL.


I remember graduate seminars 20 years ago where people came to talk about how hard it was. Still a way to go I guess.

Brian Sicknick was an outspoken Trump supporter. He obviously didn’t deserve to die but people need to realize there are real world consequences for supporting fascism.