GOP Insanity Containment: Beets, Gazpacho, and Lube

This is why I don’t know what quite to make of Madison Cawthorn.

My initial thought is he’d be unstoppable as a conservative AOC-like figure if only his IQ was at least somewhere in the range of normal and he had accomplishments in his background beyond being a sex pest.

Then I think about the GOP base as it actually is, and his abject stupidity and the sexual harassment while being a humble follower of Christ become clear positives.

I have no idea, I still feel like at the end of the day only Trump could do Trump.

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They’ll hate him because he’s in a wheelchair. What a loser!


It’s a pretty standard line of reasoning. They believe America is mostly fine, or would be if Negro edgelords weren’t constantly trying to play the race card. America doesn’t really need more equality, in their eyes, because everyone has opportunity. Any talk about equality is really just communism trying to make everyone equally oppressed and needs to be pushed back again. Only communists think that America needs change.

free love, free lands, free women and free churches* sounds good to me.

  • – wtf is a “free church”? as opposed to paid churches or for profit churches? churches made up of entirely freed enslaved?

I haven’t been to a church in 30 years but wouldn’t be surprised if there was a squarepay swipe slot in the offering bowl they pass around now a la Snow Crash

Also. I think its implying that focusing on race instead of “real” national security issues weakens america abroad.

Every gop office holder now realizes how completely stupid and batshit their base is and is in an arms race to leverage the insanity to a higher office.

GOP governor leaves the state on a trip. GOP Lt. Governor bans masks while the governor is out of state to try to leverage it into a primary challenge to the governor.


Chapo said the other day, and I agree, that the only guy out there bringing the same moron energy as Trump is Greg Kelly of Newsmax:

Because like, he is also trying to cosplay as Trump and doing a bad job of it, but that’s OK. Trump himself cosplays as a tough guy. What is not OK is to cosplay as a member of the base. Trump is, underneath his tough guy act, authentically a Fox News watching moron. Cotton etc are, underneath their acts, Ivy League bluebloods. The base will tolerate having them around to trigger the libs, but don’t try to pretend you’re one of us. Greg Kelly is bringing that “no really, I am an actual moron” energy to the table.

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There’s some psychology too complex for me to understand happening, but what they love most about Trump is his ability to be unambiguously stupid and get away with it. We all watched those COVID pressers with horror, but Republican voters loved them. In their own lives, Republicans are constantly being impeded by facts or being told they can’t say obviously racist stuff. Trump was proudly ignorant and racist and the libs couldn’t do shit about it. This is what they love about MTG, too.


I think at the basic core, they just hate how Dems are educated. They think it’s condescending when liberals “tell them what to do.”

Look at the coronavirus. It’s called novel because it’s new. Science happens and scientists learn more as they go. At the beginning of the pandemic, scientists said don’t wear a mask. Then the information changed and we were told to wear one. Educated people can understand the change in advice. But all these morons see is a “smart” person changing advice. How can they be that smart if they can’t make up their minds?


Somebody needs to invent a Giants-level Foghorn that belts out BENNNNNNNNNNNGHHHHHHHHHHHHHAZZZZZZZZZIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII and push it every single time Mitch opens his fat fucking mouth about the dems overstepping on anything.


Are you shitting me? This is going to be the Gaetz-Luckey wedding?


Probably the other way around. I’m pretty sure the convention is to list bride’s side first.



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