GOP Insanity Containment: Beets, Gazpacho, and Lube

Yep. A lot of his appeal was owning people, the “funny guy” Keed admired, and he is losing speed on his fastball every day. Would love to see MyPillow try to clown Trump in a primary debate and Trump be unable to summon the bon mots that served him so well in debates past.

That’s because nobody has challenged him on the right. Once 2023 rolls around there will be other GOP hopefuls and he will get outflanked and outgunned. 2022 should be a good year for the GOP in Congress and they won’t need to be as wedded to Trump after that as they are now in the last glowing embers of his popularity.

Well, Canadian celebrity isn’t a really big thing. Most Canadians you’d consider a celebrity don’t live here anymore and wouldn’t have much interest in Canadian politics. I think the biggest celebrity in recent years to make a run at politics here was Kevin O’Leary from Shark Tank, and he got exposed as a poser pretty quick.

It’s also a lot easier for people without a lot of money to run for office in Canada. There aren’t nearly as many super rich people who make it into government. Also, the lobbying industry isn’t the leviathan it is in Washington.


FYI here is probably the main conservative “news” source in Canada.

Trending headlines today:

Do lockdowns not work? Why Florida and Texas are doing better than Ontario and Alberta
Vaccines will get us back to normal. Why is Canada pretending otherwise?
‘Very little excuse’ to continue to use AstraZeneca in Canada: infectious diseases specialist
Jamil Jivani: How Trudeau’s censorious agenda could target Joe Rogan
Adam Zivo: Progressives are now the ones ignoring pandemic science

Not great, Bob.

Would have taken the the “dead” side of “Van Morrison: Alive or Dead?” at basically any odds


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NRA done got lawyered by their own lawyers.


Nothing will happen to Wayne or anyone else and we have zero chance of any federal gun control passing.


I found a hoodie for you to wear when there’s good news.


Lol, so not only was the NRA not bankrupt, it was flush with cash and burning through it like they had a Scrooge McDuck money bin?

Part of this was everyone being home all day during a pandemic and online 24/7. You’ll never have the 2020 conditions ever again and a lot of people are going to draw wrong conclusions from it.

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We get some deplorable conservative politicians, but without the same infrastructure for right wing grievances and lobbying there isn’t the money or culture for “that kind” of politics. The current premiers in Ab and Mb are lightweight US conservative types, standard kind of “bad red state governors” but an MP is rarely going to go a Gaetz or MTG route.

And let’s be real folks. Most suburban people voted Biden because they wanted to spend at least the next four years not having to think about politics not because they are ideologically opposed to Trump.


That reason is a lack of social connection. It’s a substitute and an escape. I keep reposting this article. The discussion shows many of us are somewhat aware of this. Maybe some would say no, they have plenty of irl friends and family and whatever but it could be they’re just especially needy.


Pure scumbaggery

Shamelessness is the republicans super power.

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Being addicted to being angry is only mildly problematical if it causes you to be more upset than the average person about something or someone that is bad. And people here are admitting they do this. But I don’t think many are admitting a much worse problem that anger addiction can sometimes cause. Namely elevating the probability that someone is guilty of badness above what an intelligent objective observer would estimate, or elevating the probability that someone is doing something for ulterior motives. You can’t justify too much anger if those probabilities don’t cross a certain threshold. An addict will rationalize those inflated probabilities to get their fix.

This seems very personal to you for some reason.