I think what you are saying is related to my point but I actually think religion precedes AM radio/Fox news which precedes Qanon.
As a kid who was brainwashed in the Lutheran church and through AM radio simultaneously I think I am qualified to speak on this. When you teach a kid that a magical being who loves you will solve all your problems you detether them from reality.
I very distinctly remember being at my grandma’s funeral at 10 and praying the entire time for literally like 2 hours to bring her back to life. When it didn’t happen and there wasn’t even any semblance of a sign that it mattered that put a niggle of doubt in my mind. Then there was the intersection of politics and religion that occurred constantly. I went to the lutheran school associated with our church. A kid in my class was expelled in 7th grade for bringing a condom to school. Every election there were people at the parking lot entrances to the church/school handing out pamphlets of who to vote for. Being a democrat would get you socially ostracized.
Worst of all was the abortion protesting. Wichita was pretty much the epicenter of abortion protesting in the early 90s and beyond starting with the “Summer of Mercy”. My parents took me to those protests and I stood there like a good little boy with my “God hates abortion” sign or whatever it was. My parents were both arrested that summer. Eventually the movement got what they wanted and some nut shot and killed the abortion doctor George Tiller.
Then there was the AM radio brainwashing. Literally driving to and from everything it was on. Driving to school, church, sports practice, vacations it was always Rush and his slightly less fun AM people spewing the propaganda into our heads.
When it was time to go to college I had long since started to check out (although the right wing brainwashing was still there, more on that in a minute). I did not really believe anymore and was drinking and using church as a place to meet people my age for sex. There were always the “bad kids” at church and by this point I was one of them. My parents decided they weren’t going to give me a penny to go to college unless I went to a 2 week christian reeducation camp in Manitou Springs called Summit Ministries. I made a financial decision and I went even though I knew it would be awful.
Awful it was. Every day there were hours of class telling you about how the liberal media and college was going to feed you lies. They taught extensively that the Earth was 6000 years old with “scientific” proof. I always laugh when you guys bring up Ken Ham because he was there spewing his lies at this camp in 1999. They taught about the dangers of socialism. They taught about the evils of abortion. It was two weeks of hell for me. I called home the first week every day begging to come home. The weirdest thing was some older guy who worked there pulled me aside about halfway through and told me he had been having dreams about me. In them he was supposed to talk to me because I would do great things. Even at 18 I realized I was likely being groomed for sex and so just walked away completely grossed out. Eventually it ended.
I say all that to get to my point. After that I was never going to have faith in God in that sense. The control of “religion” was gone. But the control of the right wing propaganda I had been subjected to continued. I am very ashamed of that.
I continued to spout anti-evolution nonsense to my friends. I continued to spout anti-climate change stuff. I supported Bush both elections and the Iraq war. I was anti-gay marriage. This went on for almost a decade after leaving the re-education camp. The right wing propaganda was much stronger than the religious propaganda.
I credit the 22 pol forum and my wife with starting to deprogram me. Now I look back at all the people stuck in that with anger and fear. Mostly because the Christian movement in this country isn’t religious. It is a hate filled political organization camouflaged by some crappy songs and fake prayer time. Look at how the Christian leaders were willing to sacrifice everything for Trump.
TL, DR: I grew up in an insane right wing church family and the AM radio brainwashing is much stronger than the religious brainwashing. Religion primes you for right wing nuttery which is now priming people for Qanon.