GOP Insanity Containment 2: This is the Place. This is the Time, Cowboy.

Doesn’t the quality of the clerkship matter? There are some super shitty ones.

I guess on second thought, with the proliferation of moron Trump judges, I’m sure some of these shitty ones are actually feeders to Thomas, so maybe that’s a bad thing.

It just bowls me over that we still have law schools.

So much overpriced champagne got popped on this news. Billions around the world honked their yacht horns that the annoying SEC is fully toothless now.

“Just as bad” seems like a yuuuge stretch. You’re not getting Jackson types out of Regent.

Isn’t this basically the Clarence Thomas view? Except for maybe the “variety of…backgrounds” part. He just wants RWNJs.

Does anyone have the numbers on clerkships for Costco Law School graduates?

I dunno what you are picturing coming out of Regent, I would say their graduates skew heavily toward religious conservatives, just like HLS graduates skew heavily toward incredibly wealthy, privileged people. I think both types make for horrible judges and clerks but for different reasons. I can’t really say whether it’s worse to have religious zealots in charge versus trust fund white kids. I think the worlds they would shape based on their biases look like different but terrible dystopian nightmares.

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What about the University of American Samoa?




The difference is that Regent is nearly all Religious zealots. HLS and YLS still, not infrequently, pump out an occasional Sotomayor or Jackson. It’s not a freak occurrence. We could find plenty of HLS grad judges who would make rulings that everyone here would agree with near 100% of the time. I highly doubt we get that from a Regent grad judge. So, there is no way the two sources can be equally bad. It’s just empirically untrue.

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To add to this, HLS and YLS grads are going to wreck havoc on the world regardless. We may in fact be better off getting them to get coffee for a federal judge for a couple of years. I assume the Regent grads who don’t land a clerkship end up answering phones somewhere.

Even clerkships may not prevent this. If you’re a clerk for some shitty state court judge, it doesn’t really help that much. At least it didn’t used to. With so much shit in the judiciary, that may no longer be the case.

how big are the graduating classes for harvard and regent?

I doubt Regent is only pumping out religious zealots. It’s law school, there are tons of people who will attend any college they can get into just fro a chance to become an attorney.

Well, “zealots” may be a bit strong. But I’d say the number of lefties we get out of there is probably less than 5%. It’s negligible.

I know we bash on Dems for not being as cutthroat. But I do think they have a huge inherent structural disadvantage - in that most of the D base just wants things to stay kind of normal and not fall apart - whereas half the R base wants nothing less than full scale bloody revolution, and the other half will go along for the ride and not do anything to stop it.

NBZ seems to be rubbing off on you

Not saying you’re wrong

I’d take the over on 5% being people on the left side of the political spectrum. But I really don’t know much about the school.

What percentage of HLS grads do you think aren’t from incredibly rich, privileged backgrounds? Didn’t Hillbilly Elliot guy go to HLS? (Maybe it was Yale).

I would very much like for things to not fall apart.


I guess all I’m saying is that you’re not getting Sotomayors and Jacksons out of Regent. You’re just not. People that liberal and that brilliant will not go there barring some extreme exceptions. So even if I grant that having a bunch of HLS and YLS grads as judges is bad, it extraordinarily unlikely to be “just as bad” as replacing them all with a bunch of Regent grads.

If you want to claim that the “just as bad” was hyperbole, that’s fine. But if you really meant it, that’s just wrong.


This is the basic stance of eDems. For things to stay normal, they need to repel challenges from the left and they need grownups to be in charge of the Republican Party.

I don’t think the normal they wish for is a good situation, but I am pessimistic about finding a new normal through normal processes.