GOP Insanity Containment 2: This is the Place. This is the Time, Cowboy.

If you think what is posted in this thread is “really terrible” you either throw that term out too loosely or you need to check out the rest of the internet.

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I’m sure our female posters really appreciate the commentary.

If it’s not clear, I think it is universally agreed upon by everyone commenting that Peterson was out of line and that he is being a huge asshole. I hope that helps, but I fear that it doesn’t.

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that guys has definitely killed a baby or two in his life.

I don’t think I’ll be able to sleep tonight after watching this clip

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oh so Navarro thinks people should absolutely respect congressional subponeas? Curious.

Yeah. Plus Congress doesn’t put people in prison. But whatever…

Good thing we have you here to take care of business for them, thank you for your service.



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Some people should be forced to comply, 100%.

Can you please not do this? I didn’t personally have a huge problem with most of the recent convo ( [a] men ghana men, after all and [b] I’ve been on the internet long enough to know what to expect), but it was a little icky.

That being said, especially b/c the gender balance is so skewed around here, it shouldn’t always be up to women exclusively to point out when a conversation is or has the potential to be sexist. If one of the guys sees something potentially sexist, it would be nice if they could say it without someone else jumping in to hit them with the implication of white knighting. That obviously doesn’t mean you always have to agree with them, but it would be nice if they were met with a little more thoughtfulness and a little less snark.

@jwax13 I appreciate you, homie.


What is your opinion on the idea that even posting Peterson’s clickbait is a mistake to begin with?

I mean, my own life is never improved by seeing a Peterson take, but I understand that he has a pretty big following and that he is good at picking out topics that will go viral, so, people wanting to post his stuff is probably inevitable.


So I’m still registered to vote in the PA R primary (leftover from anti trump vote in 16).

Should I

  • Vote for most crazy with belief they will lose
  • Vote for least crazy just in case the R wins
  • Write in Fuck Trump

0 voters

I mean, Jesus, have the strength of your convictions. You called a woman ugly in public and said she’s on a cover because of “authoritarian tolerance”. What were you expecting?

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I think vote for least crazy in case they win, with the added bonus being that they may fail to turn out the new GOP base.

Honestly this is the best read about what the future of the Republican Party is going to look like. It’s hard to quote pieces because it’s just one terrible thing after another. One of darkly humorous things the author does is describe dark money (I mean really it’s the Koch and the Mercer’s) group’s “Freedom ratings” and then puts the legislator’s rating in parenthesis when talking about them and you just see the psychopathy go up as the ratings go up until you’re in full white nationalist and militia winking bullying destruction mode.

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Nothing say “follow me as a life guru” like “I can’t control myself so I told my staff to hide my twitter password”.