GOP Insanity Containment 2: This is the Place. This is the Time, Cowboy.

Fair and balanced! No spin!

All the sexual harassment, though.

Wait, what? Iā€™m confused.

LMAO this fucking guyā€¦

ā€œI donā€™t buy into this whole systemic racism thing at all,ā€ he later said.

ā€œIā€™m not saying thereā€™s not hurdles to overcome. We all have hurdles to overcome."

Wait for itā€¦

ā€œIā€™m not saying thereā€™s not hurdles to overcome. We all have hurdles to overcome. You know, as a quote-unquote rich, white, Christian male, people look at me a certain way. And itā€™s not always good. So, everybody has obstacles to overcome,ā€

I like Andrew, but why the fuck are the considering going to Ukraine?

Fucking monsters. Crossing lines probably not even in the Handmaids Tale (not directly familiar so guessing)


When even your conservative kangaroo court thinks youā€™re going too far with this shit.


From the testimony given at the hearing

Case workers couldnā€™t share their case information with any one else

They had to investigate every report regardless of validity

They couldnā€™t mark the results of the investigation case as no harm to the child.

The instructions the case workers were given basically would force them to take some action against the parents no matter what.

From the testimony it was pretty obvious that itā€™s a political stunt from Abbott for reelection and that the State had a pretty strong suspicion that their plan wasnā€™t going to pass muster.

But of course this yearā€™s election stunt becomes next yearā€™s SOP.

Most judges in Texas seemingly run unopposed so they just need to find themselves better judges.

Ohio is doing the same thing


Iā€™m gonna guess her tree hugging eutopian daughter isnā€™t too distressed over high gas prices.

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Owning the libs by letting everyone know your own daughter thinks you support Trumpā€™s racism and misogyny because youā€™re a brainwashed cult follower, and my big gotcha to her is that I actually did this to support lower gas prices.

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This happened with Obama too. Like a month after his election, everyone inside the bubble was not only sure that Obama was a complete unmitigated disaster of a president, but was also sure that this was so undeniably obviously true, that everyone outside the bubble also had to acknowledge their incredible wrongness in ever supporting him.

Cults are some crazy things.

Itā€™s so weird how they hate the free market when it comes to gas prices!

Those darn liberal biology professors are so problematic for our yute.


Itā€™s obviously Radical Socialist Joe Biden and his Radical Socialist policies that are causing gas prices to go up, duh.