GOP Insanity Containment 2: This is the Place. This is the Time, Cowboy.

Oh god.

There are three main times to stay away from Disney. Spring Break, Memorial to Labor, and Thanksgiving to New Years.

Most other times are pretty manageable, but the majority of the times above are just ludicrous. My favorite time is early February, though you can often run into yearly mantinence shutdowns on rides if you go during that time, but it also greatly reduces crowd sizes.

Oh man

We got her


I think there is a sliver of legal light between saying ā€˜did you advocate for martial lawā€™ and ā€˜In our private chat several members said the only way to save the Republic is martial lawā€™ if she didnā€™t go with the ā€˜I donā€™t remember routeā€™. For sure, she, herself, did advocate for it though

Past, present, and future?


Lol @ anyone who thinks that her saying ā€œI donā€™t remember if I saidā€ and then having evidence of them saying it is at all newsworthy. All that matters here is she called for Marshall law to overturn an election that she claimed was stolen despite no evidence. There are so many more ways to back her into a corner here rather than trying to play stupid fucking gotcha games as to whether or not she made certain statements in the past. Who fucking cares if she remembers or acknowledges it under oath. This isnā€™t A Few Good Men. These people commit their crimes out in the open. Prosecuting these people is more about getting enough people to believe they are actually crimes than tryign to get them to somehow gotcha themselves on the stand. LOL law as usual.


He told the Forum that his text messages with Morgan-Derosier were related to ā€œa variety of things,ā€ including patio work Morgan-Derosier did for him. He also told the newspaper that he no longer has the text messages.

ā€œTheyā€™re just gone,ā€ he said.

are we finally deporting them to mexico?


Thatā€™s one way to get Mexico to pay for the wall.

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getting someone else to pay for it is very SOCIALISM!

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If you donā€™t get joke, joke on you.

ā€“Rick Perry


Yes, climb up onto the boat and strap yourself in while itā€™s still on the trailer. This is what normal people do.


None of the people involved, like MTG, and more importantly, none of their constituents, think what they were doing was overturning the Constitution. Thatā€™s a big problem for those of us somewhat more grounded in reality.

This tweet canā€™t be replied to, shared, or likedā€¦

For now.

True. The constitution contains the means of its own destruction. Itā€™s an inherent weakness of democracy. Putin just laughs at it. Trump too, though luckily for us heā€™s so far been too stupid to quite kill it.

gop is throwing marge greene to the media, and hoping the rest of society looks away from the real descent into totalitarianism

How long until he criminalizes being a Democrat in Florida?^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1518644675544064002|twgr^|twcon^s1_&