GOP Insanity Containment 2: This is the Place. This is the Time, Cowboy.

Even more true for people.

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There were undeniably lots of FBI informants on busses and maybe even organizing busses. It’s not THAT far off from how these people try to paint it

I mean at least this guy said informants instead of agents

And they WERE dressed as Trump supporters. That’s because they support Trump. But it’s not a lie that they were dressed that way. So he’s technically correct, which is the best kind of correct.

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Nah they were always against medical care for their kids

Since it seems no one else will confess i’ll go ahead and tell you that Mullin is my senator. By no means am I proud of that. He replaced the not so estimable, dumbass, climate change denying Jim Inhofe. When Inhofe announced his retirement I was thinking “Oh…Thank God. We couldn’t vote for someone dumber than that.” Then of course we voted for someone dumber than that.


Jfkjr is mike Lindell

I have to listen to idiots like this somewhat regularly. They way they state their claims as absolute fact, with “the evidence is all there” bullshit is so tilting. Whether it be covid/vaccine related, J6 related, Biden related, or any other dipshit conspiracy nonsense, they always know the truth and everybody else is the gullible sheep. And these are just random assholes at a poker table in a very blue city. I can’t imagine how pervasive this stuff is in the red areas, but also am not terribly surprised those areas elect these morons to hold office.

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This is the difference between polling and voting.

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Menthol cigarettes to Hezbollah in two posts is pretty good though.


yeah i was like wait, is there a Hezbollah menthol cigarette market that i didnt know about.

but i guess there actually was in like the late 90’s? “operation Smokescreen” so we’re going back to the classics


Dudes rock



he broke the one rule…

there is one main rule in Law. dont get caught comingling funds. makes everyone look bad/worse than we are. there is no faster way to get disbarred than mismanaging and comingling client funds.

i assume it works the same with politicians, no faster way to make ALL donations look bad and cut into others funding than to make it look like everyone just spends the money on whatever personal shit they want.