GOP Insanity Containment 2: This is the Place. This is the Time, Cowboy.

Don’t like to link to the NY Post, but this is the source of the screenshot.

Cliffs: Family is from Germany. They wanted to honeschool their kids (b/c German public schools were too woke and didn’t teach their Christian values), but German law apparently doesn’t allow for homeschooling in most circumstances. So, 15 years ago, they decide that instead of sending their kids to public schools, they will move to Tennessee and apply for asylum (based on the argument that having to send their kids to the woke schools amounted to religious persecution). Lots of legal maneuvering follows until eventually the asylum claim is denied and DHS tells some of the family to prepare to be sent back to Germany (some of the younger kids were born here, and some of the older ones are married to Americans, so it seems like they might have other claims that would allow them to stay even after the asylum claims were denied)


Anchor babies!

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Thanks. Exactly what I was looking for.

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Omg jfc


WTF is that?



Another Bill Gates program!


Man, that’s a crazy ass story.


The reason stories like that seem prevalent is social media. There are no MSM gatekeepers weighing how relevant a story is to society. The reach is determined mostly by how triggering the story is. Society has always had cranks.

They haven’t taken over entire counties before though as far as I know, backed by billionaire money. Or did you not read the whole story?

Doni Chamberlain, a veteran local reporter who has covered Shasta County for decades and now runs A News Cafe, where she and a small team of journalists report on every board of supervisors meeting in detail, says she “affectionately” describes the ongoing political strife as the “Shasta County shitshow.”

She has had to contend with a steady stream of death threats and attacks for her work. In July, Chamberlain was covering a militia meeting where she says she was physically attacked, leaving her with a concussion and whiplash. She told The Daily Beast she is now in physical therapy while she weighs her legal options. In 30 years as a local reporter, she says she’s never experienced anything like the current level of threats just for doing her job.

That’s not normal and that’s not something “we’ve always seen,” at least not since maybe the 60s in the South.

In May, they voted to end the county’s contract with Dominion Voting Systems, the company at the center of a swirl of conspiracy theories about the 2020 election, in favor of moving to a hand-counting system. They were supported behind-the-scenes by the My Pillow CEO and high-profile election denier, Mike Lindell, who promised to foot the bill for any potential legal fees.

lol good luck with all that, he can’t even pay his own lawyers

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lol he isn’t upending shit


Even the most palatable Republican has no shot at a CA senate seat in 2024.

I will go to bat for you as a slogan is catchy.

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right but he could outperform expectations if he keeps hammering on some things he has been, ie I listen to you instead of just tell you, crime is bad, etc.

Garvey was outed as fathering children with other women while he was married so hundreds number stated above is probably on the low side.

Would really be the darkest timeline to finally get rid of Feinstein only to have her seat clogged up by Steve fucking Garvey for like 24 years (yes I know he’d be 98, like I said, darkest timeline).

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I would vote for Ron Cey.


well if R’s are winning statewide races in CA, I’m more concerned about the new constitution under King Trump the first.