GOP Insanity Containment 2: This is the Place. This is the Time, Cowboy.

It’s like if referring to Sarah Huckabee Sanders as “Huckabeast” was the line too far.

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Keeed just doesn’t fucking miss, part 26,784:

Obviously this is because of cancel culture run AMOK. Conservative voices are being silenced!

Plus he’s a whiny little bow tie prick and he’s not automatically on in dentists waiting rooms any more.

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Gateway Pundit asking the hard questions. (Video)

Jordan needs to work on his cardio.

What was Keed’s prediction on this?

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Tucker was going to be more successful outside of FNC.

Otherwise why would he walk away?

There’s an argument that Tucker’s skill as a presenter could translate into a Twitter show, but I think people underestimate how hard it is to transition from one media to another, like a guy who’s a good TV presenter might not make it as a talk radio guy. Plus there are so many ready substitutes at hand; Fox can put Jesse Waters or Laura Inghram or whatever in his time slot and most Boomers will probably just watch that instead of going to all the trouble of switching over to the internet.

For a lot of them, their dial-up number incurs long distance charges.


Especially moronic trolls

Rogan is still collating all the available data on Tucker’s viability without his Fox visibility, so Aaron Rodgers is withholding opinion for now.

I didn’t make one? What the fuck are you talking about?

NMW implied that you made one:

Oh. RAIDS said that? Who cares.


I’m not sure anyone does. I was just trying to clear it up for you.


Like I think I said something like Tucker will end up being able to make boatloads of money after Fox news once he starts his new thing. I still think that but this Twitter video thing is clearly an interim thing while the contract stuff gets sorted out. I obviously never made any sort of predictions about his Twitter show viewership (lol why would I?).

Just a creep following you around. RAIDS will be talking about Keed to the staff at his nursing home


Mr Chapman said he and others said the Pledge of Allegiance together in the lobby outside the meeting, after which he jiggled the doorknob of the meeting room.

It was then that Mark DeYoung, chairman of the Clare County Republican Party, approached the door, saw someone flip him off through a small window, and opened it.

“He kicked me in my balls as soon as I opened the door,” Mr DeYoung said, adding that Mr Chapman ran at him and slammed him into a chair.