GOP Insanity Containment 2: This is the Place. This is the Time, Cowboy.

Everyone should be kicked out of the country every 5 years and have to find their way back and start from scratch with just the clothes on their backs. Then we’d see who the real bootstrappers are. I would die almost instantly but I’d probably outlast these trumpist anti immigration assholes. .


On the other hand…

AUSTIN, Texas (AP) — Texas lawmakers revealed Tuesday a monthslong corruption investigation into Republican Attorney General Ken Paxton, going public with the probe shortly after Paxton accused the GOP House speaker of being drunk on the job.

Hours after Paxton’s claim, House Speaker Dade Phelan announced the House General Investigating Committee has been looking into “alleged illegal conduct” by Paxton, [who is already under FBI investigation](’s%20“alleged%20illegal%20conduct”%20a) over accusations of corruption by former staff. Phelan brushed off Paxton’s allegation as a desperate attempt “to save face.”

Both jolted the Texas Capitol near the frantic end of a legislative session that has again laid bare the raw divisions between Republicans who control every level of power in the state goverment.

At stake for Paxton in the final days of the session is whether lawmakers will approve using $3.3 million in taxpayer dollars to settle a lawsuit brought by the attorney general’s accusers. Paxton, who also separately remains indicted on securities fraud charges from 2015, has denied wrongdoing.

Lmao how can you not be drunk all the time when your job priorities are shit like “protecting Texas land from imaginary chinese spies”


Twenty-some years ago, I demonstrated the capacity to do calculus while being too drunk to sit up straight.

Yeah, @dlk9s post kinda made sense to me. I’ve banged out plenty of copy on a drunken deadline,

Texas drinking game: chug a beer every time someone says “woke”.

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GOP normal take containment thread. My mom 100% believes unemployed people can make a better living off the government than someone with a job.


She must have so much respect for people at Starbucks, the supermarket, pharmacy, etc. Working so hard when they could sit at home and make more.


Rick Scott out here issuing travel advisories to his own state. What a job being a senator must be.


no free thought allowed in florida. understood, sir.


Rick Scott looks like a boiled salamander

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Going to jail Super soon right?

My god so dumb, woulda been way better if he put out something about a blue state being hostile to real Americans but he doesn’t have the balls for that I guess. What he did is just dumb af




Why did she have the gavel? Was it bring your daughter of the confederacy to work day?


Can we get a BAC check on the whole Texas leg? Want to replace school counselors with chaplains, with no obligation to address kids of all faiths, or to not try to convert kids who come to them with problems. I also love how the “keep political agendas out of schools” gang wants to increase partisanship and rancor by forcing local school boards to hold a vote on it.

“Talarico also proposed requiring parental consent. Hefner and the majority rejected it. Another lawmaker proposed adding that chaplains must serve students of all faiths and not proselytize. Rejected. Another proposed striking the bill’s requirement that every school district in Texas, within six months, vote up or down whether to have chaplains.”


that had to sting even her.

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They rotate the presiding member around for mundane work days