GOP Insanity Containment 2: This is the Place. This is the Time, Cowboy.

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I’m surprised they are not giving him an award.

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I listened to the call.

It does not live up to the hype. Somehow, Alex made an accurate statement on his show when he said he knew within seconds what was going on.

Dude could have taken him for a ride with the Tucker voice, but immediately went into nipple talk. Like… If you have this ability, actually do something with it.

i had a cannon!

granted, it was about 8” long and i blew it up when i packed it completely full of gun powder (supposed to be like 1”) and lit a fuse, pretty fun day or two tho!

We made tennis ball cannons as kids. Fun but not too smart.

That’s what a responsible cannon owner would do.


Teachers grew particularly alarmed early this year when word spread that Ken Witt, the new superintendent, did not plan to reapply for grants that covered the salaries of counselors and social workers.

At Gateway Elementary School in March, Witt told staff members he prioritized academic achievement, not students’ emotions. “We are not the department of health and human services,” he said, as teachers angrily objected, according to two recordings of the meeting made by staff members and shared with NBC News.

As the school year winds down, many of the Woodland Park School District’s employees are heading for the exit, despite recently receiving an 8% raise. At least four of the district’s top administrators have quit because of the board’s policy changes, according to interviews and emails obtained through records requests. Nearly 40% of the high school’s professional staff have said they will not return next school year, according to an administrator in the district.

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Fucking day of news.


My much older brothers and their friends built tennis or racquet ball cannons. They set up behind two corners of the yard. At age 6 me and my friend Paul’s job was to retrieve the balls for our respective teams.

I was much older when I learned that they only sent us how to pick up balls when the other team signaled they had balls loaded and ready to fire.

We were the real targets. Not the other fort.


That’s nuts. When I said not smart I meant because of the fire/explosion hazard. We weren’t aiming at anything.

Are we getting handcuffs this time? I want to know where the line is.

It was the early 70s. Besides we generally weren’t close enough for a direct shot. Lofted shots. I got hit plenty. I don’t remember it hurting.

We were being included. We loved it.

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When I was about 7 we went on holiday with another family.

My older brother and their older sister discovered a tree house on day one.

They hid it from us for a week by telling us that there were snakes in that area.*

Im still bitter about it.

'* this was Utah in winter and there was half a foot of snow on the ground.

I see the standard pundits on TV talking about this, saying how this was maybe even reviewed by Merrick Garland or Lisa Monaco! I’ll take that as proof of life for Garland, but raises the question what the hell else would they be doing? What is more important than this kind of extremely high-profile corruption at top levels of govt? Did you pull that jellyfish lawman away from a ribbon cutting

potato gun. would shoot a potato 50 yards or so, went completely through my buddy’s dad’s drywall in the garage. that weekend we learned how to do drywall :joy:

i’m not sure i would go back to being 16 again or not, but i sure had a time.


political witchhunt

Amazing. 13 charges and in custody… surely Trump is next.