GOP Insanity Containment 2: This is the Place. This is the Time, Cowboy.

I guess I did.

SNL needs to do a recurring ā€œName that Republican criminalā€ skit.

Host: This presidential staffer beat his wife.

Contestant: Brad Parscale.

Host: Good try, thatā€™s correct, but we were actually looking for Rob Porter. Next, this Republican Congressman was investigated for child sex abuse.

Contestant: Oh, easy! Matt Gaetz!

Host: While thatā€™s correct, we were actually looking for Dennis Hastert.


JD pledges to defend the Ohio/Mexico border.

They donā€™t hate Mexicans, they just donā€™t want any of them around except for cleaning toilets and bussing tables. Why is that so hard for liberals to understand? Stupid liberals!

Democrats like to reach around the aisle


Isnt regression fucking wonderful?

He doesnā€™t answer either of those questions directly, but clearly heā€™s appealing to those who answer yes. And most certainly he implies he would answer yes.

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This is why he canā€™t beat Mandel.

In Mandelā€™s version, we would get something more direct like ā€œObviously Mexicans are terrible. Hereā€™s what Iā€™m gong to do about itā€¦ā€

Dogwhistles arenā€™t enough anymore.

Not directly, the whole point of that framing is to appeal to the people that love grievance narratives about the liberals calling them racist. Of course the Venn diagram with actual racists is pretty much a circle, but heā€™s not actually appealing to their racism, heā€™s appealing to their rage at people pointing out that they are racist. HOW DARE YOU I DEMAND TO SPEAK TO THE MANAGER!

Yeah, but if ā€œJoe Bidenā€™s open border is killing Ohioansā€ what else is he implying other than Mexicans are worthy of our hatred? But I agree, they donā€™t like being called out on their racism.

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I agree. I was referring to the opening of the ad, which is not an attempt to activate racism, its an attempt to activate rage at liberals.

Of course, its all racism at the bottom

they will keep telling themselves this for a few more years, and in the end they will use it to justify a special military operation.

They are worthy of hatred, but not because they are Mexican. You see, itā€™s just that most Mexicans coming to Ohio happen to be bad hombres. We hate bad people, not Mexicans. The fact that lots of them happen to be Mexican is pure coincidence. I assume some of them are good people. So, no racism to see here.

The Real Racists are the Liberals that deny the obvious fact that most Mexican illegal immigrants are violent criminals, just so they can accuse Decent Americans of being racist. We werenā€™t even bringing race into it, we were just saying immigrants are bad. We never said anything about race!

What a fuckin weirdo.

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TIL god has hands. mind blowing.

Vance might be asking racists who donā€™t like being called racists for their votes but heā€™s also directly saying to admitted, happy-to-be racists, ā€œIā€™m your guy!ā€

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Not shown: takes 1-20 that ended in ā€œwell if thatā€™s racist, then call me Mr Racistā€

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