GOP Insanity Containment 2: This is the Place. This is the Time, Cowboy.

There are white m&ms, they just get their own bag so they don’t have to mix with the “woke” ones…


Isn’t Maya Rudolph like super woke, as least she scans as such? Wouldn’t be surprised if
she’s like, “For every bag we donate a penny to defunding the police.”

I’m guessing Tucker F’d around and is gonna find out.

by not anthropomorphizing the m&ms, nabisco is grooming americans to eat like vegetarians


what if they showed the m&ms even MORE like people. like showing them with families and praying to jesus, going to church and enjoying football. until a giant hand reaches down from the sky to grind them up with giant teeth. preferably they’d be screaming at that point, with the exposed chocolate being their internal organs

then the company apologizes, and the next commercial is the same thing except they’re smiling while they’re getting ground into a brown paste. “i love this! i love getting eaten!” they’ll say as they’re dying. then another public apology from the company.


Because white chocolate is the most oppressed chocolate in America!

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Perhaps you’re trolling, but I’ll assume not.

She was fired, after being asked repeatedly by her bosses at Disney to stop tweeting right-wing fascist-adjacent argle bargle bullshit. She didn’t stop, so they fired her.

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Obviously they’re looking for a non-objectionable spokesperson, and this seems like a good one. I mean, I’m sure that a lot of people are maybe lukewarm or unfamiliar with her, but does anyone actually dislike her?

I can’t think of anyone with a likely higher net approval rating.

Uh, she was on skits on SNL playing Kamala Harris (favorably) and making fun of Trump. She’s a woman of color in a prominent position. She’s absolutely going to upset the same people upset about anthropomorphic candies.

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Al Yankovic


fair point

Who do you think has maximum net approval? I’m automatically assuming it’s not a guy, but maybe I’m biased.

Edit: Weird Al is a good one.

Tom Hanks?

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Michael Phelps? He’s got some baggage, but I don’t think it is that’s well publicized.

The dude won all the medals for USA#1, so I assume that helps a ton.

There is a time that would have been a good answer, but I think the righties think he is too liberal these days.

Bob Costas?

He’s got haters, but they seem to be a small minority.

Clearly. Did anyone actually think this was a capitulation?

I think his role in Philadelphia immediately disqualifies him.

Everything about this is sooooo uncomfortable and unfunny.


Pretty old, and Forrest Gump is in more recent memory.

This is 2018, so Will Smith is sure to have fallen some, but Dwayne Johnson still seems plausible at #1.

Rudolph should wear the m&m shoes. See if anyone notices that.