GOP Insanity Containment 2: This is the Place. This is the Time, Cowboy.

So funny that Disney bought fox (except for network and news basically)

His career at Georgia might be my favorite cfb career ever.

Too bad he can’t even spell CRT. (he thinks it’s CTR).

The Disney / Desantis fight is super interesting to me. Seems like there is a huge risk of Desantis overplaying his hand. People fucking love Disney.

Probably from all the CTE.


It’s a fight they just can’t win. If your kid wants to watch whatever, you’re eventually relenting.

Something tells me “mom I want to watch Frozen” “oh you can’t any more they’re too woke” isn’t going to fly.

Looks like someone’s gonna need to you hold their beer.

From Rupar thread

Republicans will be mad at Disney for a hot minute until they’ve moved on to the next culture war grievance and then they will go back to taking their kids to see Disney movies. It’s like when they got mad at the NFL and threatened to never watch it again, that protest lasted for like a week.

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yeah read on about her though lol

It’s not about actually beating Disney, or the NFL, or cruise lines, or Coca Cola, or whomever. It’s about getting on Hannity and triggering the libs. And the jackasses will drink their Coke while watching Frozen on a Disney Cruise and then vote for the guy who’s standing up for American Values.


I think that’s part of it, but the main goal is to keep their demographic outraged 24/7. It’s why they have to go back to Hillary and play the hits at times.


eventually, when they lose the weed legalization culture war, and the war on drugs will become unacceptable to the gop coke orgy voter, the canceling of disney seems like a logical next culture war.

Competent people could put together a streaming service targeted at the religious right that would turn a profit and cost Disney like 1-3 percent of their Disney+ subscribers, but that’s about it.

They would just have to get the rights to some Christian children’s cartoons (Veggie Tales comes to mind), some old reruns of children’s shows that aren’t “woke” but that may be a challenge because none of the big streaming players can be the original producers of the shows in question, and then they can make like Hallmark Movie Channel level movies for adults and license some Christian novels and such to make content. Although I just looked and even Veggie Tales is owned by a big corporation (NBC Universal).

Of course in reality it’ll be run by a bunch of grifters who will make sure to suck any potential profits out of it, they’ll skimp on all the servers and it’ll suck massively, and they’ll probably fuck up and infringe on copyrights.

I look forward to watching them try!

With the disclaimer that I haven’t watched a new Disney childrens’ movie/show in a long time, it seems like the big way he’s overplaying his hand is by going after something that his base is actually very familiar with.

Like conservative parents may be annoyed about Disney being woke or anti-racist, but claiming they’re “grooming” kids or whatever is just hilarious. Parents watch the content and they’ll know that’s bullshit.

The stuff that works well is abstract enough that the average person is clueless about it, or complicated enough that they don’t look into it. Like CRT.


That’s awesome, but also that teacher is a virtual lock to be perp walked out of their classroom this fall.

well then $100m is simply not going to make a dent in liberal hollywood

Yeah the last time I saw them before COVID, my stepdad’s family was adamant NO MORE NFL EVER.

Silly me for being worried I wouldn’t be able to watch football last thanksgiving. They had every game on, like it never even happened.

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Spoiler alert: if their team signed that kneeling traitor Crapernick, the second he ran out of the tunnel wearing their beloved jersey he’d be their guy.

He’s so close to figuring it out.

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