GOP Insanity Containment 2: This is the Place. This is the Time, Cowboy.

Oh please you tell me where you can get aborted fetuses for 70 cents on the dollar Randy. I’m just like the fetuses, I wasn’t born yesterday either.


If it were up to me, I would do a ton of opposition research on Republicans, dig up as much dirt on their personal lives as I can find, then try to cause as many Republican divorces and custody battles as possible by leaking the most damaging info.


I’m not talking about what I would campaign on. That’s separate. I’m talking about making their personal lives as hellish as possible to punish them for being Republicans.

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So under the new crazy Republican abortion laws does this make her an accessory to murder?

Haven’t listened to this, but sounds about right.

Journalist Nazmul Ahasan joins DOOMED with Matt Binder to break down his investigation into some of the largest right wing “Freedom Convoy” Facebook groups, which uncovered exactly who is running these communities…ecommerce internet marketers from overseas looking to sell t-shirts?!

Lmao republicans are running on and delivering on horrible things that their voters love, why would they win idk

What’s nuts is Dems aren’t even running on “we are your only alternative to Republicans, who are awful.” They are gaslighting the electorate by claiming they’ve run up all kinds of high achievements, the literal worst message they could possibly try to mobilize people with. “Dems deliver” lolololol fuck you.

“We raised the budget ceiling, please reelect us for more great legislation like this”

Exactly. That list of things gets the same reaction from Republican voters that AOC voters felt when Fox News posted AOC’s platform thinking it was a negative.

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Lol the horror. Insulin should be free and gas should cost $10/gallon if we factored in the true externalities.


sounds perfect for dc or capitol police. not congress.

“Bump” has taken on a whole new meaning.

Really makes me wonder how Tip O’Neill got his nickname

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I don’t remember who said it, but it was something along the lines of “the GOP house caucus used to be all skull and bones guys, but now they’re all ex-hottub salesmen”

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annnnnnyyyyyyy minute now

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Maga parents forcing their kids to watch the daily wires streaming service while the normal kids are watching encanto and shit is so funny.


so cartoons except the villains always win?