GOP Insanity Containment 2: This is the Place. This is the Time, Cowboy.

My Dad was a highly intelligent guy. Business and history teacher, business owner and then finally President of a small town banking system the last 20 years of his working career. Still very vulnerable in his old age. Fell for a couple of internet scams. He forwarded me some conspiracy type shit and thankfully when I responded back he believed me and would sometimes forward things to me to ask if things were true or not.

He was alway an R and voted for trump in 16 (all that Clinton hate) but he clearly regretted it by 20. But some of his buddies at the town coffee tableā€¦

My Mom passed in 15. She was a Trump hater from forever. She could smell a rat from 10 miles away.


This is the tried and true method for getting people out of cults. By far the number one reason people leave cults is because the cultā€™s promises to them go unfulfilled. The best thing family members can do for cult members is keep emphasizing that the better world the cult promises is not materializing.


this was my earliest view on it but has since changed drastically - even if you could somehow mount a convincing campaign that had any chance of success, the potency of social media and idiots like zuck and musk gleefully turning up their signal by a factor of a bazillion, youā€™ll never punch through their bubble and thereā€™s too many of them. You also reinforce their persecution complex.

Unfortunately I came to the conclusion that they need to be confronted on the basis of their own ideas and see for themselves how ludicrous they are - pointless for a large % of them but I do believe a lot of people have some line where they go ā€œwhoa, this is too muchā€ but it requires some self reflection they seem pathologically incapable of - my efforts and challenge now, at least with loved ones, is to get otherwise seemingly intelligent and empathetic people to see how absolutely batshit stupid the things they believe are. Iā€™m making small gains, but it requires empathy for people that quite honestly deserve none.

Believe it or not there are some baseline things that I think deep down most democrats/republicans could agree on - like, at least in theory, cops shouldnt just choke people to death because they feel like it, or that we should have functioning infrastructure. thatā€™d be a big win if we could agree on such simple things. wedge issues like gun control and abortion are much more firmly entrenched, but there are very basic things everyone can agree on that for whatever reason right now we donā€™t, because the republican default position is to take the opposite whatever the sane one is.

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I found a rubber band on my front door handle. Am I going to be sex trafficked?


The sex trafficking paranoia videos on tiktok are something else. I probably come across one video a day of extreme paranoia or conspiracy.

I like how these mythical traffickers see a target and just leave the equivalent of a post it note to remind them. Instead of using their phone to take notes or ,you know ,trafficking right then.

thatā€™s how they attach the fentanyl




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We were safer when the Good Guys didnā€™t arrest any Bad Guys.

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My mind just exploded trying to figure out what level this is on. Also baked so that isnā€™t helping.


High number = bad
Low number = good

Trump so scary bad man no cross border when he president! Chessmate libtard.

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Iā€™ve fought some battles both as administrator of this site and on other projects to get registration emails past spam filters, gmail is/was so fucking god damn annoying with it, and is the only email provider Iā€™m aware of that will ā€œblackholeā€ emails - meaning that it wont even send it to spam, the message just never gets there because gmail decided it shouldnā€™t. itā€™s a really shit email provider, in my opinion

Itā€™s the ā€œjust donā€™t test for COVIDā€ approach to crime fighting.

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oh okay i thought that she meant right-wing terrorists are being arrested and thatā€™s why ā€œweā€™re all in dangerā€

Havenā€™t read this but itā€™s reasonably well known. When Prophecy Fails - Wikipedia

great book - I grew up in an ā€œend timesā€ church from a very early age by an early megachurch founder that made several predictions like this before i was even born and throughout the course of my life, becoming more involved in the church led me to believe he was completely FOS, but it always fascinated me how people can buy into it again, like a weird application of sunken cost fallacy

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:angry: :nauseated_face: :face_vomiting: