GOP Insanity Containment 2: This is the Place. This is the Time, Cowboy.

Jokes on us, his strategy works. Do whatever the fuck you want, conservative media won’t cover it. Say whatever the fuck you want about the libs, conservative media will ram it down your bases throat and create outrage in your favor.


And a misuse of the phrase “let them eat cake”

Also their supporter base just don’t really care either way!


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Should we expect propaganda films from the American right wing to make sense? The nonsense in My Son Hunter begins with dating the action to December 2019, the month the FBI came into possession of the laptop he’d left at a Wilmington repair shop. By this time Hunter Biden was purportedly clean and had for months been married to Melissa Cohen. Kitty is shown participating in a BLM protest that involves a lot of things being set on fire — several months before the death of George Floyd. The anachronisms don’t stop there, but it would be pointless to dwell on them.

After Hunter invites the crowd from the backroom at the strip club back to the Chateau, he does a line of blow, and we see a cartoon representation of his heart. It starts beating faster — “OH SHIT!” a caption says — as he walks through the room until he sits down and smokes crack, calming his heart. This is a misunderstanding of crack smoking that recurs throughout the film — Hunter seems to use it like Xanax or pot, to relieve anxiety — but whatever

Perhaps it’s impossible to make great art, or effective propaganda, out of spite. Or maybe these guys are, like their subject, just career hacks.

So the real fantasy of My Son Hunter is for right-wing Boomer parents: with a little of the information about the Democrats’ corruption that the mainstream media is busy suppressing, their children will come in from the streets and help them put Trump back in office. If that happens, I doubt it will be the result of the youth vote or a renaissance in reactionary cinema.


I really appreciated the detail of that article. I was interested to know about it, but there’s no way I could watch more than a few minutes of the movie itself.



nothing will happen

Seems kind of racist

I mean he’s right but only cos we drained every last possible resource, purposely fucked their couches, and then threw a match on the pile as we left. Well that plus the Jakarta Method of the CIA straight up merking any African leader who even thought about trying to improve the lives of their people. The old colonial 1 - 2.

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Please Tucker, go ahead and tell us how the conditions for black people improved under slavery. I’m sure it’s a riveting tale.

tucker dying to make britain great again

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I’ve never heard this one before, but I like it and I will endeavor to start using it myself.

I had a really, really bad hangover this morning, clearly if I had just kept drinking and partying nonstop things would be much better right now. Stopping the party was a huge mistake, all the people left my house and NOW it’s a huge mess, who’s going to clean this up? We didn’t have these problems last night when the party was rocking.


It was the British who eventually lobbied the rest of the world to put an end to slavery. USA was the last major holdout.

The British started colonialism, but the other European powers soon followed suit and while there weren’t any winners, you may have preferred to be a British colony compared to the other choices (cough Belgian cough).

How do we know your hangover wasn’t caused by vaccines? I demand you prove this unsubstantiated claim to be false.

The narrative that a regime doesn’t bear responsibility for a country going through hell after it collapses is one that pisses me off because it’s so inherently childish.

British colonialism led directly to the UDI and Ian Smith’s government led directly to civil war and an inevitable racial backlash, and certainly at least paved the way for a revolutionary hero to move on to being a kleptocratic dictator.

What’s the alternate history? The British support Smith’s government and the 96% of the population that was black would be ok with that and no civil war happens? The civil war does happen but British support keeps Smith in power?

In addition to the naked white supremacy of it all there’s just nothing there.

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His argument is only worth stating if you assume there’s something inherently different about (white) English people and (black) Africans that is a causal variable worth studying. Which, undoubtedly, most of Tucker’s viewers do.

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