GOP Insanity Containment 2: This is the Place. This is the Time, Cowboy.

Money is people, my friend.


His tweet has the rhetorical force of tweeting “flibbity flabbity floo”

Lawmakers say planned probes would focus on the southern border, where agents by mid-August had made a record 1.82 million arrests since the start of the fiscal year on Oct. 1; the foreign business dealings of President Biden’s son, Hunter; and the origins of the Covid-19 virus and pandemic policies that shut down workplaces—all hot-button issues for many conservatives.

Also on the list are the Justice Department’s operations under Attorney General Merrick Garland, who infuriated many GOP lawmakers when he authorized the application for a warrant to seize records with more than 700 pages of classified material that former President Trump took to his home in Florida.

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Jesus Christ how can that be a real thing on tv


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Radical Marxism? In MY corporation?


Hey, it’s Chanel Rion! That name’s made for TV.

She’s also a political cartoonist!

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ar 47 must be one hell of a gun.


People walking around with assault rifles isn’t something I want to see more of, regardless of who or what they are trying to defend. And people on the left doing this are going to lose any escalated confrontation. They will lose versus the RWNJs, they will lose versus the police, and they will lose public opinion.

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I’ll take it over just passively sleep walking into fascism.

The “it will get worse if we fight back” mentality is terrible for obvious reasons.

These people are just bullies and we know what happens when you punch one back.


Looks like they won this round.

Isn’t Texas far too hot to be fully dressed head to toe in black like that?


These are asymmetric wars. There are smarter and more effective ways to fight back than dressing like a ninja with an assault rifle. This is just a stupid way to risk escalation into a battle that they can’t win. Philadelphia dropped bombs on an entire city block when the lefties started shooting people, and that was only 37 years ago.

we’ve been comparing him to bizzarro fdr since 2018. where have you been?

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I also had no idea
