GOP Insanity Containment 2: This is the Place. This is the Time, Cowboy.



Actually, only half ironically. I mean, I actually AM kind of shocked that they killed a white dude.


Poor stupid bastard got shot by the cops without even being black.

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Deplorable Lives Matter! Defund the FBI!

Confirmed Antifa!

i’m just wondering why these wackos are popping off like this the last few years.

anyway let’s turn on america’s most-watched news channel


So they’re just like normal cops then? Oh never mind, he said middle class.

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Doesn’t seem like the Civil War is going so well for them in the early stages.

How does that hurt a witness in a civil case? If you lie, they might make you look bad? Why do you care? It’s not your case.

If you’re lying in a civil case you almost certainly have an interest in the outcome. In any event, it’s outweighted by the fact that we don’t want to live in a society where someone get’s prosecuted every time there’s an allegation that they lied in a civil suit.

Or you could just be an expert witness who is being paid for their testimony. You don’t really care about the outcome. I guess you do care about not looking like your lying for your personal brand, but that really doesn’t seem like much of an incentive to tell the truth. It’s just an incentive to lie better.

I also don’t want to live in a society where no one is prosecuted for lying in a civil suit. Surely there is some optimal middle ground between no one and everyone? I’ll even grant you that it’s closer to no one.

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They’re not sending their best and brightest.

  1. Show up to FBI offices with a nail gun.
  2. ???
  3. The South rises again

Yeah, #2 is gonna have to be one hell of a step.

Quite the choice of camera angle by the person in the bottom left.

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I think that is “old person looking down at iPad” mode.

Dude on the middle right laughed.


i scrolled the whole thread (poor decision on my part). but i did get a surprise at the end in one of the replies


I had to look up “MVE”, it’s Militia Violent Extremist.

Apparently they think the FBI will kill you if you have a Punisher decal on you pickup truck.

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That was fantastic.

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