GOP Insanity Containment 2: This is the Place. This is the Time, Cowboy.

I did not expect to have to look up the meaning of providential.

I’m still stuck on mittelstand

First result says it’s confusing for non Germans so you can’t be too confident when you read the next one and think ok I get it.

You did nazi that coming

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nothing matters anymore

DeSantis spokeswoman belatedly registers as agent of foreign politician
Christina Pushaw’s disclosure of work for Mikheil Saakashvili came after contact from the Justice Department, her attorney said

I truly hate this man

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McConnell fears a Democratic vampire hit squad.


nevermind that security already provided to the justices ALREADY WORKED AS EXPECTED BEFORE THE CRIME COULD OCCUR


now would be a good time for a democratic senator to go trolling (whitehouse maybe?), and counter mcconnell with

“I send my thoughts and prayers to all affected members of the supreme court, and call on everyone not to politicize this regrettable exercise of the 2A by the perpertrator”


Of course the security worked, Kavanaugh’s house only has one door.


sound like a crime against the building code

Was this guy because it leaked or because the decision is anti abortion?

Why can’t they hold Mitch’s precious bill hostage by saying, ok, but first a vote on pending gun bills? How 'bout it, Mitch? Before sundown, you fuck.


That would be too divisive.

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Sorry, but there’s nothing illegal about being a vampire.

Please tell me it’s unpaid, that would just be precious.

Your pony has an unpaid internship with Dianne Feinstein.

It is.


Man, remember all the glowing profiles the MSM wrote of Milo and his alt-right shtick?

Now Milo’s no longer the flavor of the month, the Mercers have stopped finding him, he’s a 37-year-old dropout doing unpaid internships and selling brain pills to teens on 4chan. Can we get a Vanity Fair profile of his life now?


I mean he flew too close to the sun and got burned and it’s just a very, very long way back from that, but honestly, you gotta respect the hustle.