GOP Insanity Containment 2: This is the Place. This is the Time, Cowboy.

George Washington came over on the mayflower to kill Indians so they could worship Jesus freely. Makes sense.

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If I learned anything from the HBO John Adams miniseries that I only watched a few episodes of it’s that George Washington banged all the Founding Fathers’ wives for sure.

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Been a minute since I’ve watched this


Holy shit, I don’t want to know how long ago it was that I first saw that.

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It’s timeless, though.

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It’s even better than timeless, it improves with time.

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Just got temporarily blocked from enjoying it again. I hit play and then my 7-year-old ran into the room.

BRB. He’s gone now.

Fascinating thread about a high powered school in Dallas

It’s a fucking wild thread


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Confirmed wild read.

I thought it was all standard fare and practice for rich suburbia.

Then I hit the point where the neighborhood got their first black homeowner in TWO THOUSAND AND THREE and felt the need to call it out on the front page of the newspaper!

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Who made it clear they were republicans lol

Horrifying, but lol at the Bush Family being radioactive in Texas because “the family is liberals”

An April poll by the Texas Hispanic Policy Foundation found that 40% of GOP primary voters said they would never vote for Mr. Bush, the son of former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, with most of them citing his family as the reason.

“Why should I believe any of that” is a perfect encapsulation of why we are where we are.

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She moved to Georgia from Mississippi in high school

Guys I think David Perdue might be racist


You’re the Real Racist for even bringing race into it, he didn’t say anything about race!

By the way, that video is as batshit crazy as you might think.


TechLead is not a good guy

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