Good news

Not sure how good this news is.

While 2020 has been a terrible year for fossil fuels, it’s been an incredible one for renewables. Despite a record drop in power demand, wind and solar’s share of global electricity has increased from 8.7% to 10% in the first six months of the year. The biggest winner has been offshore wind, with orders up by 319%, making it the fastest-growing industry in the world right now. Science Alert

The Global Vaccine Alliance has just announced that 92 low- and middle-income countries and economies will be able to access COVID-19 vaccines through its channels. “We now have the framework in place to ensure that no economy, particularly the poorest nations, gets left behind.” (Gavi)

According to a new study, mortality rates from the most common form of lung cancer have fallen sharply in the United States. "For the first time, nationwide mortality rates for non-small cell lung cancer are declining faster than its incidence, an advance that correlates with the FDA’s approval of several targeted therapies for this cancer in recent years.” NIH

Kenya’s Wildlife Service says its elephant population has more than doubled from 16,000 in 1989 to 34,000 today. The number of elephants poached is also down significantly from previous years; just seven this year, compared to 34 in 2019 and 80 in 2018. Meanwhile, 140 baby elephants have been born in the Amboseli National Park since the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic. DW

Remember the insect apocalypse? While it was a worrying piece of news, most of the evidence came from Europe. New research has now shown that there has been no equivalent decline in the United States. Populations are down in some areas, but up in others, resulting in net abundance and biodiversity trends that are generally indistinguishable from zero. In other words, American insects are generally doing fine (bet you didn’t hear that in the evening news). Nature

At the turn of this century, Staten Island’s landfill was the largest garbage dump in the world, three times larger than Central Park, with trash mounds 20 stories high oozing noxious methane and leaking bin juice into waterways. Today, it’s a green oasis and one of the most unlikely urban ecological restoration success stories of all time. The radical fix? Bury the rubbish, plant some grass and do nothing for 20 years. NYT

Indistinguishable from magic :rabbit2:

At last, the search is over. Meteorologists have finally confirmed the existence of Planet Earth’s piano strings - a chorus of continent-sized pressure waves that periodically sweep around the globe, covering it in a patchwork quilt of high- and low-pressure zones. First posited by a French scientist in the late 1700s, the waves have resisted detection for centuries until now, thanks to an exquisite new meteorological data set. “This a really beautiful piece of work.” Quanta

A company in Seattle has just built the world’s fastest electric speedboat. The Zin Z2R is built around a BMW battery pack, and because the weight sits on the bottom rather than in the stern, when you put the hammer down, instead of tilting up first the boat simply leaps ahead. Another reminder that as electrification picks up speed all forms of transportation are going to evolve. Clean Technica

Neuroscientists have discovered a brain hack that improves the ability to acquire language by up to 13%. The reason learning new languages later in life is difficult is because the adult brain no longer has the same plasticity that it does in childhood. Using a small stimulation earpiece, this device temporarily boosts attention span over large areas of the brain, making it easier for new stimuli to be processed. Inverse

Researchers from Australia and Sweden have developed a 3D-microprinted camera on the end of a wire that’s small enough to scan images from inside the blood vessels of mice. The lens sits on the end of an optical fiber no thicker than a human hair, allowing doctors to monitor the development and formation of arterial plaques. The device may help us better understand the thing that kills more people than anything else: heart disease. Photonics

A machine-learning geek has used a variety of publicly available algorithms to colorize, sharpen up and smooth out old movies. All of the films are touched up to 4K resolution, creating a more easily accessible glimpse of what life was like more than a century ago. So many hats! (and a striking reminder of how far we’ve come - in a 1901 film, child laborers peer curiously into the camera’s lenses in a town in North England). Also, MOON BUGGIES. Wired

Off the beaten track in the Dark Forest :satellite:

Hannah Lendecker’s incredible essay about our relationship with food contains one of the best new ideas we’ve come across in a long time - that we need to ditch the old metaphor of food as fuel, or building blocks for the machinery of the body, and think about it instead as a conversation between us and other living organisms. Food is a “metabolic partner rather than a dumb substrate”. Neoma

Software might be eating the world, but every now and again the world bites back. This is the story of how the most ambitious smart city project in North America, backed by one of the most powerful corporations on the planet, was defeated by a small group of Toronto activists, and one disaffected tech billionaire. A harbinger of the much bigger privacy wars still to come. One Zero

A love letter from Clair Wills to amateur dancing. " The memory into which you step as you begin to dance includes all the dances you’ve ever danced before, all the partners you’ve ever had, all the practice you’ve put in, all the music you’ve listened to, all the Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers and Nicholas Brothers you’ve ever watched. But the dance itself has no memory ." NY Books

We’ve recommended the Long Now Foundation before. If you’re looking for mind-expanding talks to watch while you’re in lockdown, put down that Youtube algorithm and step right this way please. Start with Nicky Case’s brilliant explanation of systems thinking, or if that’s not your cup of tea, perhaps Neil Gaiman’s tour de force on how stories stay alive. Interwebz at its best.

Russian urban explorer Lana Sator read about a last-of-its-kind, Cold War era, top-secret Soviet naval vessel called the ekranoplan that could skim above the waves, evading radar and anti-ship mines. At 1am on the morning of August 7th her and a friend stuffed cameras into watertight bags and snuck past the lone guard to take photographs and well… check this thing out. Radio Free Europe


I appreciate these posts, especially the way you list the categories. Indistinguishable from Magic is my favorite.


From the links above. This is some crazy shit.


ty RF - I know it doesn’t bring the dopamine hit the other active threads here do, but I am determined to add some balance.

About the posts themselves I can’t take too much credit. I’m just copy/pasting the contents of an email newsletter I get. But I really look forward to receiving that newsletter each time and glad you and some others take some value from the content as well.


Not necessarily good news, but I’m really enjoying watching this as a fun distraction. Lol the first director didn’t know the difference between a shark and a whale. And super lol the producers thought they could train a shark.

There was a hell of a run there with Jaws, then Star Wars/Empire/Jedi - of movies that it seemed like everyone had to see and stayed in the theaters for a year.

It makes me sad to see the summer blockbuster die out. I guess we still had that recently with the Avengers movies. Even though I wasn’t into them, I think it’s good for the national psyche to have big shared events like that. Movies and sports are the only things I can think of that we can still bond over across the political spectrum.


That’s a really interesting point re the value of sports. Lately I have been feeling some internal conflict about the time I spend following sports. The value we place on them vs the value we place on other less glamorous pursuits. They probably still are overvalued (but thats a separate thread), but in terms of the net benefit to society I was not considering the value of helping people find common ground around something in this increasingly polarized society. Thanks for the thought :-)

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Chiefs and Royals are literally the only thing I can talk about with my religious aunts for more than a few sentences (weather leads to climate change, health leads to USA#1 healthcare).

I’ve been reading a ton about Mesoamerica for my book. The ball game was played across every Mesoamerican culture. Every ruins has a prominent ball court. The ball game is featured heavily in their myths and carved monunments. It was as integral to their identity as religion. People seem to need sports.

Interestingly, the Mesoamerican ball game, which is sort of like a cross between soccer, volleyball and basketball - was the first time the Spanish had ever seen a rubber ball or a team sport. It’s very likely that it led to the inception of soccer. It also helps explain why these regions are so soccer crazy - it’s in their blood.


Yeah after my last post I was reflecting further on what you said and I realised discussing UFC events is one of the most common reasons my brother and I start messaging each other. It has also led to us discussing some political views (in a respectful way) where we are quite far apart. I think my conversations with him helped him see things in a different way to some of the garbage he was taking in via facebook. But it wouldn’t have happened without our UFC discussions I don’t think.

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This will help manifest good news

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Paid off the XT Forester today. Only has 26k miles and a 100,000 10 year warranty. Woot.


A few weeks ago, I got a random email from the state of Illinois encouraging me to check the state’s unclaimed property website. It turns out that I had some weird-ass benefits program attached to one of my credit cards, and the accrued balance was listed as unclaimed property.

Skeptically, I submitted a claim. But I am pleased to announce that I just deposited a check from the state of Illinois for $52. So, basically all of my financial insecurity is in the rearview mirror.

chappelle money


I used to have a Forester XT. That was a super fun car to drive.

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Documents on file. Tittays thoroughly rubbed?

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Steven Miller has COVID-19.

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