Good guys with guns and robot dogs: The police?

yeah there is zero chance the NYPD does any introspection at all here, if anyone suggests “maybe we shouldn’t have shootouts in a crowded subway over a turnstile jump” you’re gonna get a bunch of “HOLY SHIT CAN YOU BELIEVE THIS GUY WANTS TO DEFUND THE POLICE”


I know felony murder is a thing, if someone dies during a felony they can charge you with murder in many places, but is felony attempted murder a thing? This guy could potentially be held responsible for the police’s gun.

In calvinball you get to make up the rules as you go.

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Was he committing a felony or misdemeanor?

My thoughts on this are that police unions should have no power to protect officers when they are accused of excessive force. They should have the same collective bargaining power as any worker. But use of force against the public is one of those areas where the public’s right to be protected from abusive police massively outweighs the officer’s rights as a worker, and compromises have to be made.

Even though I agree the profession today attracts some of the worst people, I tend to stop short of ACAB, as I think some form of law enforcement will always be necessary. But this is definitely one of my more fluid positions I could probably be reasoned out of.

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Oh yeah I forgot that minor detail.

The courtesy cards in New York blew my mind. There’s no reason why they exist except for corruption, but somehow they can’t get rid of them and rigidly enforce them.

Seems like the american dream is now becoming a cop, maybe shooting someone or a dog or something like that, get fired, sue the city, and retire on a few million dollar settlement.


I had a co-worker get pulled over doing 140. Cop was about to arrest him on the spot. Shows the courtesy card. Cop rips up the courtesy card then drives away. What a country.


you mean jumping the turnstile or the imaginary knife attack? because that totally could have happened!

man this seems like a grift, cops “abuse” each other and as punishment… the taxpayers give the cops a bunch of money. So they just pass around a signup sheet, whose turn is it to abuse the next guy on the list?

I don’t think there’s a sign up sheet. I think you just abuse everybody and it’s kind of like a lottery on who gets the windfall next.

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Eh the lefty position is fuck the cops and their union

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googled the judge and he was quite progressive so I guess the sherriff had no choice

this happened awhile ago i guess and we are now just getting to the lawsuit portion of the case for damaging the MRI machine… LAPD raid an MRI imaging center imagining it is some deep secret grow operation based on energy usage.

but lapd just straight out of a dumb buddy cop movie getting your gun sucked across the room into an MRI machine.

Boy when you propose a law that even feels too racist for the sheriffs…