Good guys with guns and robot dogs: The police?

That’s why I want to do a house to house search and seizure.

So do I, but are you prepared to put down these dogs when they resist?

There are ways to do it more surgically.

Even right wing talk radio guys aren’t opposed to red flag laws. It’s like Jenga and the left trips into the tower every time.

More or less insane than dozens of school shootings each year?

Much much more. This is probably Ted’s thinking as well even if he’s using legal cover.


Listen to this if you want to be filled with rage today. Cop laughs while talking about another cop killing a woman in a crosswalk.


Well fuck

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Scumbag should never have another comfortable, happy day. Just rotten to the core.


If it were my loved one killed and I heard that recording I really can’t say what I’d do. I know what I’d want to do.


I would probably be even more enraged by the inevitably torrent of comments from the boot lickers standing up for the cop.


As an adherent of left political philosophy, I believe in rehabilitation for all criminal offenders. Including this cop and his future murderer.

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He can rehab in prison, not in the police precinct.

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Prisons should be abolished.

Crooked cops should be abolished.

If you’re a cop in a station with 10 corrupt officers and you don’t do anything, then you’re in a station with 11 corrupt officers.

It’s like gang members. Snitches and all that.

That cop is also the head of the police union in Seattle.

Might be on to something