Good guys with guns and robot dogs: The police?

FBI is different.

You sure about that?


Cities are always banging on about a shortage of police officers. They’ll take almost anybody.

Yea, becoming an actual fbi agent is pretty tough afaik

I do wonder to what extent the shortage is driven by the fact that police leadership wants that sweet overtime.

Some large percentage of Baltimore’s highest paid employees are like random police sergeants who “work” 80 hour weeks every week and collect massive overtime checks. We’ve had a police shortage for years and the budget for police continues to grow and grow, while our schools are horrifically bad and basically everything else is falling to shit.

If they’re failing to fill the open spots because they can’t find qualified applicants, they really need to reconsider the qualifications I think. It’s not like currently we’re getting the best and brightest.


Oh definitely. The dude I know applied multiple times, extensive background checks that included a long interview with his now long time gf who he was only dating for a couple weeks at the time. Plus the whole month(s) long training at Quantico.

I wasn’t that clear in my first post but I was just trying to highlight that we can have good standards for law enforcement when we want to. Also, I think FBI agents are salaried employees, which would solve lots of budget problems wrt to abusing OT that goes on at the local and state level.

All of our police officers are salaried too. Being salaried doesn’t mean you’re ineligible for overtime.

Yeah that’s remarkable. Like if he says no, he’s going to get off easy… Now he might actually go down. Waiting for someone to ruin this moment by telling me he got off easy anyway.

Yeah Baltimore is an absolute mess, and it’s all cyclic and I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about how to fix it and I couldn’t come up with much.

Too much crime → not enough residents → shrinking tax base → not enough money for schools and police → crime → fewer residents → shrinking tax base → even less money for schools and police…

So to reverse the cycle you need an infusion of money to fund police and schools (etc), but of course then you get into the problems with the police force and it’s an even bigger mess. You don’t just need cops, you need good cops who the residents trust.

And it’s not like the state is going to give you that money with Hogan as governor, and it’s not like the voters are going to go for higher tax rates. You could make a long term play to just improve the schools to hopefully increase economic opportunities and start to turn the cycle around, but that means shifting money from police to schools basically, and then if crime goes up you’re totally fucked.

Baltimore is in a really bad downward spiral with a lot of this stuff unfortunately, and the fixes are far from obvious. I guess trying to get businesses to invest in the area would be the move, but in a way you’re just joining in a race to the bottom in terms of corporate tax handouts, and a lot of the people they hire might not even live in the city.

At least he lost his job

Bankruptcy to wipe out the pension obligations and muni bonds, then take the money you just saved to improve services. Wasn’t a complete disaster in Detroit as far as I know (although Detroit still has a lot of problems ldo).

Good guys with explosives

The city refused to compensate the Lech family for their losses but offered $5,000 in temporary rental assistance and for the insurance deductible.

So insurance covers police destroying homes?

I know that most policies do not cover “acts of war,” but I don’t ever remember seeing exclusions in my policies for police mishaps.

If the homeowner’s own company accepted the claim and then refused to join the suit as a co-plaintiff against the municipality, then I have to assume that they considered this a standard claim, similar to if some homeless idiot broke into your home and then destroyed it.

In fact, I’m not a lawbro, but I assume it could be argued that the B&E (for which every policy holder is covered) was the direct cause of everything that followed.

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If that’s just doing your job bro, time to think about quitting and finding something else.

Is it bad because they stopped someone from selling food without a license or because they were dicks about it?

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Not a lawyer, but I highly doubt “eating” is illegal in California. Maybe a violation of some city ordinance for the place he was at. He should’ve asked that POS to cite the penal code. Also, notice how this tyrant tries to get his ID so he can run his info and with any luck find an outsatnding warrant

These guys are fucking scum! This is a prime example of how most police aren’t there to protect and serve the public, but to harass mostly minorities and find cause to kidnap and extort money from them

So whatever happened? Does anyone know if he eventually got arrested? If so, I hope he collects big time from a lawsuit