Good guys with guns and robot dogs: The police?

Seeing the worst in people makes you more callous too. Cops see a lot of humans ugly. Ive mentioned before but i use to develop police photos when i was young for a little while and it woke me up to my little sleepy towns dark side.

Personally i think they should have to have a masters degree in policing. We require is for far less demanding and important jobs.

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One of my first jobs in high school also involved developing photos and the police would come in to drop off their cameras weekly. Agreed they have to see some really bad stuff.

Also agree they need to have way higher qualifications. Every cop I know fits that Sarah Silverman clip perfectly as they all did get Cs in high school.

What’s nuts is that the prison guards I was referring were actually pretty smart, one very much so. I think that one’s issues became worse when he entered the military prior to becoming a prison guard.

Another prison guard I know is apolitical but if he got a C it’d be a high point for him.

From my group of friends in high school, one become a cop. He was a good guy but not very smart. He needed serious help to graduate high school even taking all the easiest classes. I remember one time he invited a couple of couple of his cop friends to our fun poker game and they were dumber than he was. It really opened my eyes to see that there is a serious problem with just who becomes cops.

They all seemed like good guys but I think police should be better trained and trained much longer. Also along with the longer, better training they should also get higher pay.

police departments are legally allowed to discriminate against individuals with high iq, to my knowledge.

they dont want smart people and sometimes actively avoid hiring them. its one of those features not bugs.

I dont know why people have to ruin a good point with a false headline. There wasn’t two minutes of silence. He answered the question yes.

It was close to two minutes.

Also how racist do you have to be to not be willing to lie in response to that question. Wow


Yeah I remember a 60 Minutes story about a guy who wanted to become a cop but wasn’t allowed because his IQ was too high.

Reminds me of the beginning of The Departed when Billy Costigan wants to be a cop but gets rejected because of his SAT score. Probably should have stayed out given how the movie ended.

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I had always assumed this IQ stuff was nonsense, but a quick web search shows it’s completely true. With several court decisions upholding the practice.

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I read an article about this too a long time ago and didn’t mention it in this thread because I too thought it was bullshit. Only in America do we arm idiots to the teeth and give them discretion on how and when to use their weapons and power.

I think they pick average IQ people because they are afraid of what smart people would do with that kind of power. Which given the criminal empires some people have built with a badge might be a legitimate concern. Obviously this has massive drawbacks when it comes to catching smart criminals… which the cops will tell you don’t exist, but I’ve crossed paths with enough to know that it’s only because the cops can’t catch them and it’s too much effort.

Smart criminals for instance generally commit crimes with small punishments and are hard to catch. Nobody is even chasing them IRL. They literally only get into trouble when they accidentally bite off more than they can chew and annoy someone with enough power to get the feds involved.

I think it’s more like, smart people are more likely to ask questions, more likely to blow the whistle, less likely to be completely trusting of authority and every order given, and less likely to cover up for the crimes of their fellow cops.


Yeah those would be the unofficial reasons lol.

The entire video is two minutes …


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I was giving the reasoning they use. I agree with the fact that it’s a dodge.

To piggyback on the law enforcement “smartness” stuff, I know at least one person who works for the FBI. Dude was an accountant with MBA and tried for years to get accepted. So there are some standards, not sure if that can work for every small town. But for big cities I’d expect they get more applicants than slots (like DiCaprio in The Departed).