Good guys with guns and robot dogs: The police?

Maybe sneaking around to the cop car and slashing the tires would be an acceptable alternative. The chairs don’t look substantial, but the table’s gonna hurt.

If you’re going to physically intervene, you have to incapacitate as many of them as quickly as possible. Go for the quickest knockout blow, even if you risk killing them. It’s a numbers game.

My preference would be to find some chemical I can throw in their eyes.

Making them stop beating on the dude would be my goal, watching that and doing nothing would haunt me forever. Good thing I’m a hermit and don’t interact with other humans much.


Here at Unstuck you can read 101 ways to die in America, by NotBruceZ.


Honestly filming it and saying “Officers you’re on camera, knock it off!” might be the best way to go.

How do you tell somebody that you care about deeply, “I told you so.” Gently with a rose? In a funny way, like it’s a hilarious joke? Or do you just let it go, because saying it would just make things worse? … Probably the funny way.

Michael Scott

You’re right, of course. I’m going with bear spray tho.

You can’t really just scare them into stopping. You’d have to make them physically unable to best him.

Those guys are programmed to be submissive to authority. Screaming at them the way their supervisor does when they fuck up makes them shrink. There’s a video somewhere in this thread that shows it perfectly. They’re pussies.

i’ve thought the same thing. especially someone i’m close with? i wouldn’t be able to just sit and watch that.

Pack heat and become a good guy with a gun stopping bad guys with a gun.


Guns are a tradgedy waiting to happen and the only time I’ll consider owning one is if I go off grid and need one for hunting/bear repellent. I had a weekend gig with my gf from 1993-98 that had us doing sketchy shit in scary neighborhoods at 3am. Never felt the need for anything more than pepper spray and would have quit as soon as I felt the need for anything lethal. It was fun and we’d pay our friends $50/hr to help if one of us was out of town and we had jobs backed up. Some bizarre shit goes down around Pioneer Square and Pike and Pine in the wee hours.

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Ken Hamlin getting his head bashed by someone with a street sign in Pioneer Square is really what cost the Hawks SB XL.

I remember an undercover cop chasing a kid and slamming him headfirst into a wall after failing to identify himself. The kid had been identified as having committed some crime by mistake and hadn’t done anything other than run from some psycho that started screaming at him for no reason. My recollection is he never came out of his coma and the cop got off scot free.

the other response than fear is fight, and you dont want that or want to guess which one youre gonna get when you have an armed trigger happy dude that trends massively hard towards violent sociopathic tendencies.

Guns are lousy bear repellants. You want flare sticks or bear bangers. Fire one of those at a bear and they’ll peace the fuck out. Fire a gun at a charging bear and miss, or fire a gun at a charging bear and fail to immediately kill it and you’re fucked.

That’s a bit of an apples to oranges comparison (bear bangers and flares aren’t very useful against a charging bear and guns aren’t useful as a soft deterrent) but it’s also the case that bear spray is more effective protection against bears than guns.

I’m a Smart Centrist so I think we need to work with the charging bear.


Even grizzlies? (It’s my opinion that you don’t need to carry anything when in black bear territory, and I never have. But grizzlies… I want something and I’m not sure bear spray is enough.)

I did a google search for “bear bangers” and I don’t see how that sort of thing could possibly help you if a grizzly attacks.