GOAT TV Theme Songs: Bracket Set (Post 1228), Finals: Jeffersons vs. Mssion: Impossible

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Case in point.

Note: I have never watched Dawson’s Creek

Things aren’t officially at 0:00 for block 5, but that doesn’t really mean I have to hold off from posting

Round 1, Block 6:

#7 Game of Thrones


#122 Saved by the Bell

#7 Game of Thrones vs. #122 Saved by the Bell
  • #7 Game of Thrones
  • #122 Saved by the Bell
0 voters

Round 1, Block 6:

#58 NBA on NBC


#71 True Detective Season 1

#58 NBA on NBC vs. #71 True Detective Season 1
  • #58 NBA on NBC
  • #71 True Detective Season 1
0 voters

Dammit. Saved by the Bell runs into Game of Thrones out of the gates? Look at how they massacred my boy.


Round 1, Block 6:

#26 Doctor Who


#103 White Lotus

#26 Doctor Who vs. #103 White Lotus
  • #26 Doctor Who
  • #103 White Lotus
0 voters

Round 1, Block 6:

#39 The Jetsons


#90 Arthur

#39 The Jetsons vs. #90 Arthur
  • #39 The Jetsons
  • #90 Arthur
0 voters

Huh. Never heard this Arthur theme before. I approve.

Round 1, Block 6:

#10 Peacemaker


#119 Step by Step

#10 Peacemaker vs. #119 Step by Step
  • #10 Peacemaker
  • #119 Step by Step
0 voters

Round 1, Block 6:

#55 Sanford and Son


#74 TaleSpin

#55 Sanford and Son vs. #74 TaleSpin
  • #55 Sanford and Son
  • #74 TaleSpin
0 voters
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Round 1, Block 6:

#23 Darkwing Duck


#106 Rawhide

#23 Darkwing Duck vs. #106 Rawhide
  • #23 Darkwing Duck
  • #106 Rawhide
0 voters

Round 1, Block 6:

#42 The Greatest American Hero


#87 NFL Primetime

#42 The Greatest American Hero vs. #87 NFL Primetime
  • #42 The Greatest American Hero
  • #87 NFL Primetime
0 voters

I thought Tale Spin and Darkwing Duck were closer to the top tier of Disney themes before listening to them for this round. Upon further review, they’re both notably weaker than Rescue Rangers and Duck Tales.

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And that’s block 6.

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I’ve watched plenty of episodes of Saved By the Bell and I couldn’t begin to hum the theme song. It’s forgettable.

Didn’t have to listen to the other songs for Sanford & Son or Rawhide. The rest is a whole lotta meh.

Greatest American Hero hits a very nostalgic nerve for me that I wouldn’t expect in the youngs.

This should be the theme song for the new Dr. Who:

True Detective should win in a landslide, I think people like the sports ones a lot here

Not a fan of mumble country.

Definitely a sports bias though.

Wat. It’s like one of the most memorable themes ever. Not that that makes it great, but like LKJ I was looking forward to seeing it make a mini-run, but it gets a top contender right out of the gate.

It’s a bit like Brady Bunch in that, if you followed the series much at all, then the theme will be forever remembered (except by Suzz apparently), but SBTB kinda gets into annoying territory, though not as bad as BB.

The sports themes so far have been genuinely great, but I kinda feel guilty voting for them. I’ll prob stick with them until they go up against some of the elite TV themes.

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I can’t heart this enough. Saved by the Bell is better than most of these songs not named Rawhide or Sanford and Sons (and GoT obviously).

WTF is this Peacemaker/SbS matchup?